promise [1:45 a.m.]

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"What are you thinking?," Mark inquires in a gentle whisper, words barely heard over the chirping of crickets blanketing heavily over the night air.

He plays gently with your fingers, admiring the way the gold of your new promise ring matched his perfectly.

You shifted slightly on the flannel blanket, cozy and comfortable in one of your his favorite hoodies. The two of you have been laying here in your old treehouse for hours and there was nothing that could have happened to make this night any more perfect than it already was.

An unconscious smile makes its way across your lips as you look at the boy across from you. His expression is transparent- he was never good at hiding his emotions anyways. No matter your insecurity and no matter how little you could believe it, the sparkle in his eyes and the part in his lips confirmed how much he truly loved you.

"I'm thinking that...," you breathe back, "I'm thinking that I love you."

Mark immediately stops fiddling with your fingers, his grip on your hand now firm as if you told him these three words for the first time.

His bright brown eyes meet yours tenderly and they told you the same.

"I'm thinking that I love this ring," you continue, "and I'm thinking that I want to wear it forever".

Mark lifts your hand to his lips, his eyes fluttering closed. Kissing your knuckles gingerly, he presses his love into your fingertips for you to take.

"What are you thinking?," you echo, breathless from the feeling of his lips and the atmosphere of the moment.

He pauses, breath still hot against your hand, drinking in the first moments of your forever with a pounding heart.

"I'm thinking," Mark rasped, voice husky as emotions gripped his heart like his hands did yours, "I'm thinking that I love you too".

You've been trying to hold it in, but nothing could have prepared you for the intensity of his confession and your tears came streaming down at the sight of his own. Mark Lee never cried, always pretending to be strong and never wanting to burden others. But now, he was beautifully vulnerable in front of you, shamelessly pouring his love into your very hands. For the first time, he's given you the rest of him: the part of him that he keeps to himself and doesn't want anyone to see. For the first time, he's all yours.

"I'm thinking," he continues, opening his reddened eyes to look into your own, "that you're beautiful".

His words shook with his tears. You pull yourself closer to his body, settling your face into the crook of his neck to calm him down. Taking shaky breaths between his quiet sobs, he puts his nose into your hair, breathing in your familiar scent.

Minutes that feel like hours pass by and you feel his hiccups slowly come to a stop. Lips to your forehead, he pours out the rest of his heart to you.

"And I'm thinking that I want to hang out with you forever, until we're old and gray. And after that, I'm thinking that I'll find you again in Heaven and we'll spend every day just like this, until the end of time"

You let out a small, choked laugh as you pictured the two of you curled up in a treehouse amongst the clouds. Allowing your tears soak into his warm cotton chest, you think about how lucky it feels. How lucky you are to know the feeling of being in the arms of your future.

"I'm thinking the same"

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