*:..。o○ 1 ○o。..:*

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*:..。o○ 1 ○o。..:*

Celeste POV

          Today was cold, foggy, kind of depressing. I dont like these kinds of days, I prefer the sun. It always puts me in a good mood.

          When I stepped from my bed I whined at the cold floor. I stepped into my slippers and set off for the bathroom. I looked into the mirror at my very few imperfections. I reached for my brush and started combing through my hair. once I had throughly brushed my hair I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I made my way back into my dormitory to quickly change into my uniform before breakfast. I was usually late, and Dumbledore said he had an important announcement, therefore I did not want to be late this morning.

          I made my way out of the Hufflepuff common room and down to the Great Hall. as I walked in, there were a few kids already in, and more making there way inside. I walked myself over to my table and sat near the front. Once the hall was filled with every student, Dumbledore started his speech.

"Good morning students. As you all know, I have an important announcement I'd like to make before we begin eating... I would like to welcome our newest student to Hogwarts. Now, before I introduce him I would like you all to be kind and make his time here pleasant. I would like to introduce, Mr. Mattheo Riddle." he finished.

          Everyone in the Great Hall, including several teachers gasped and shared whispers, whilst looking around, looking for the new Riddle. I could honestly care less about this boy. Thankfully he was already sorted into Slytherin. wow, what a shocker. eye roll. Dumbledore watched the doorway as a tall boy walked in and slowly made his way up to the front.  As he was walking up, some people scooted away from him, many whispered, and the rest just stared in awe.

          I watched the boy closely as he walked up to the front. when he passed my table, he glared at me, and not breaking eye contact until he passed to the front. I quickly looked away and back at my plate as Dumbledore made another speech, completely not related to Mattheo Riddle. When he was done we finally got our food.

          After breakfast I walked to potions.I entered the big, dark classroom and took my seat the row behind the first. I took out my quill and parchment as the rest of the class walked in. Snape entered the classroom and began his lesson. After about ten minutes into class, I felt someone staring at me. I slowly looked around the room until my eyes met his. why was Riddle staring at me? I gave him a look and turn back to the lesson.

          After potions was over, I made my way to my next class, and the next, and the next, until the day was over. Tonight I was going to the astronomy tower to hangout with some of my Slytherin friends. now I know what your thinking, why would a Hufflepuff be hanging around with a group of Slytherins? turns out they're not all cold and rude- well, maybe a good amount are, but that's besides my point.

          I walked to my dorm and put on some pajama shorts, some ripped tights, a oversized sweater, some leg warmers, and my uggs. I braided my hair and threw on some light mascara. After I was done getting ready, I sneaked out of the common room.

          I made it to the astronomy tower, and when I walked in my friends were all sitting in a circle, when Lorenzo noticed me.

"ahh! celeste, darling you've finally made it!" he smiled and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"what are we playing?" I asked as I sat down

"spin the bottle" Draco smirked

I raised an eyebrow "oh?"

          we heard someone coming up the stairs and we all froze, except for Malfoy. we watched the figure in the doorway to one into the dim light. it was Mattheo Riddle. why was he here? draco or pansy probably invited him. oh well.

"ah mate you made it!" draco cheered 

mattheo nodded his head "indeed I did" he answered as he walked over to our circle. he sat directly across from me.

"well, are we playing or not?" onyx questioned

"wait, playing what?" mattheo asked

"spin the bottle" we all said, which made us all laugh, except for mattheo who only nodded

"ill start" pansy insisted, looking around.

          Pansy spun the bottle, and as it slowed we all watched until it mades its way to face me. I looked up at Pansy and shrugged. I crawled to her direction and pulled her in for a kiss. It lasted about five seconds until onyx made us let someone else go. it was now my turn. I spun the bottle fast. my eyes didn't leave the spinning bottle as I waited patiently. It landed on Blaise. I smiled lightly; I always had a crush on him- well it switched between him and Lorenzo, but you get the idea. I walked over to him and sat down on his lap and pulled him in for a deep kiss. we made out for 20 seconds until Lorenzo cleared his throat.

"get a room you two" onyx scoffed

          we continued playing spin the bottle until around 11 pm. until we all made our ways back to our common rooms.

blaise kissed: me, Lorenzo and onyx.

Onyx kissed: blaise, pansy, and draco

Lorenzo kissed: me, me again, and blaise

Mattheo kissed: pansy. (thats it. such a party pooper ugh)

Pansy kissed: onyx, draco, and draco again

draco kissed: me, onyx, and pansy twice

I kissed: Lorenzo, pansy, and draco

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