*:..。o○ 5 ○o。..:*

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Hi! i would like to pop in and say TYSM FOR EVERYONE VOTING ON THIS!!!! im beyond grateful! <3 also, if you have any requests or ideas let me know!!

TW: eating disorder. (background: celeste has and ED and used to starve herself so she would feel "pretty" before her and enzo dated and they were bestfriends he was the only one who knew and he helped her get back to a regular eating schedule.)

Celeste POV

          I was too tired this morning so I skipped breakfast. I slept in for another hour before I had to go to class. After I had gotten ready I heard a knock on the door to my dorm. I walked over and opened it, just to see Lorenzo Berkshire holding a plate of food.


"celeste you need to eat." he cut me off

i looked down "don't worry about me Berkshire, I was only sleeping in. I have to get to class anyways."

"i don't care, your not going to class until I see you eat." he stared at me

"whatever" i took the plate and started eating.

          I soon finished the food and stood up. Lorenzo was in my class so we walked there together. it was really awkward and silent the entire time. We finally made it to potions and took our seats. I sat in the front next to Onyx, and Lorenzo sat behind us next to Blaise. Class was insanley boring today. nobody was messing around, even the twins, which was surprising. 

          The whole day, I barley talked to anyone. During my passing and free periods I would walk around or go in the library and read. Today was long and slow. I hated days like these because they make me feel so unmotivated and tired. 

          After dinner i went back to my dorm and quickly fell asleep. completely forgetting what tomorrow was.


          Cedric woke me up today. I groaned and put my pillow over my head but he tore my blankets off me.

"cedric i swear to god-"

"celeste get up!"


he scoffed "are you high? its your birthday!"

i opened my eyes and looked at him "oh- oh!"

          he nodded and ran out of my room. today was saturday so I didn't have to wear my uniform. I put on a small jean skirt, ripped tights, a oversized sweatshirt, gloves, leg warmers, and dr. martens. 

          I went out into the common room and there stood Lorenzo, Blaise, Draco, Onyx, Mattheo, and pugface pansy. why the hell is she here? mattheo, i can deal with. pansy, im this close to bashing her face in.

"what the fuck is she doing here?" i motioned to pansy. she only smirked.

"celeste don't" Lorenzo mumbled

i looked at him "no fuck you both!" 

          I saw Mattheo quietly leaving so I followed him to get away from the lot of them. Honestly why was pugface there? I ran up to Mattheo.

"hey!" i walked next to him

he kept walking "no care for a pathetic party, Hufflepuff? i'd assume you love parties and celebrating yourself" he laughed lowly

i scoffed "i do, but not around my cheating ex and the bitch he cheated with" i looked down

          He looked down and didnt say anything. he said he knew somewhere quiet to go and i followed him out of the school. the air was crisp and I could see my breath. It was very sunny as well, my favorite days, freezing cold and insanley sunny.

          I knew where he was going; the black lake. I continued to follow him in silence until we reached the docks. i kicked some snow off the dock and sat down, shivering and the cold wood.

"so lorenzo cheated with pansy?" he asked

i nodded "and he didnt even try to deny it- well i mean i did catch them, but he didn't try to make an excuse whatsoever."

"pathetic." he mumbled

"yeah, pathetic..." i looked down at my rings

"are those crystals" he said with no emotion, per usual

i laughed slightly "yes, howd you know?" 

he nodded and took one off my finger

"what are you-"

"pretty" he said whilst putting it around his finger

i smiled a little "indeed"

"can i ask you something riddle?"

he looked at me "what."

"why are you nice to me, when your... well, rude to everyone else?"

he looked down "im nice to nobody stupid hufflepuff."

"see, there it is! whenever I bring up you being nice, or we are near other people you turn into this cold hearted person."

he shook his head.

"right. are you going to give me my ring back?"

"no, i think i'll keep it." he said

i rolled my eyes "whatever"

he pulled out a tiny pouch and handed it to me

"what's this- wait! Mattheo Riddle getting me a birthday gift? wow!" i sarcastically said

i opened the pouch and poured the insides into my hands. out fell an arrangment of crystals.

"wow, these are really pretty" i smiled at them

"it's no big deal-"

"how'd you even know i liked crystals?" i looked to him

he shrugged "i saw your rings and necklaces and just assumed. you don't have to keep them if you dont like them-"

"no they're amazing. thank you" i smiled

          we sat in silence for another hour before we got too cold and walked back up to the school. 

"happy birthday Hufflepuff" he said and walked away

          I smiled as I walked back to the common room until I bumped into someone.

"celeste- oh i'm sorry I wasnt watching where I was going" a familiar voice said

i looked up "no worries blaise, I wasnt watching where I was going either" i laughed

he looked to my bag "what you got here?"

"oh, Riddle got me a gift." i showed him the crystals

"seems like someone has a crush" he suggested

"no- no- he was just being nice" i looked down

"i meant You" he laughed

i looked up "i- no- i dont like riddle- not like that at least. plus i just broke up with Lorenzo..." i shook my head

"right- im sorry i shouldnt have-"

"no blaise dont worry! its fine" i nodded

          he smiled and we parted our ways. i meant You. i didnt like riddle- he was two faced and the son of volde- you-know-who. if anything, hes probably as insane as his father, and i wasnt trying to get involved with anything dangerous... but hey thats life, right?


hey everybody! i would just like to say- i know mattheo is being nice to celeste. abd i know i said he would be rude a few chaps ago, but i'm putting my own twist on him, like hes just quiet, but if anyone; other than celeste and the main group (blaise, enzo, etc.) try to become friends with him he'll be rude. also like ik i said him and pansy were together- and yes he knows about her cheating on him, but he just doesnt care. bare with me! i promise this story will get better really soon <3 make sure to vote and comment!

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