Chapter Three

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The Grandmaster General of the Frostbourne sat at his desk in confusion upon the return of the Angels. Gabriel's news of Naeus's survival and Enderheart's treachery had him overwhelmed. Further complicating matters was the sudden disappearance of the Phantom and his team, who had been there one day and gone the next.

He shook his head. "We can't tell the people. It'll send them into a panic."

Azrael disagreed. "Sir, if we can convince them that this is all under control, perhaps they'd even be willing to help. Mankind, divided, is fragile, but together... well, there isn't a thing we can't do."

Patrick looked to Gabriel. "And what do you say, Archangel?"

The Archangel didn't give even a moment of hesitation. "I never thought I'd be saying this, but... I agree with Azrael. We can't keep this a secret, sir."

"Very well. Tomorrow, we shall inform the population of our new plight. Azrael, check in with Amethyst and Lady Azura, see what her progress is. Gabriel, find Patriarch Rain and Matriarch Ceris. We need the Ender Watchers with us on this one," Patrick came out with his orders fluidly, but a sliver of fear could be heard in his voice. The Angels nodded and went to carry out their orders without question.

Azrael stepped into the lab of Amethyst and Azura, looking around at the various half-finished experiments. Amethyst was nowhere to be seen, but Azura was in the corner, tinkering with what appeared to be another set of wings. "Lady Azura?"

The Scholar jumped, looking over at Azrael. "Oh! Azrael, you didn't mention you were coming."

"Spur of the moment visit, Doc. Grandmaster's orders. Said you've got a project in the works?" Azrael gave a small smile to the one woman who'd been accepting of her integration into the Frostbourne ranks.

Azura nodded. "Yes, as our last few outings have shown me, it isn't worth me being the only flier, or even having you, Gabriel, and Yün with me. We need more. We need people like that in common ranks. So... I've been reverse-engineering my set to give me a better idea how to mass-produce them. It's been a rather fruitful endeavor."

Azura gestured to her table, where one of Matriarch Stella's spellbooks lay next to a set of wings. It was clear that the book had been used repeatedly, specifically the levitation spell- the page was worn down, torn slightly in places, and it glowed with the aura of a recently-used spellbook.

Azrael was in awe. "Amazing... you're using the spellbook to quickly enchant these sets?"

Azura nodded once more. "And using the product of Amethyst's research to make them manageable. Much easier than figuring out thrust and aerodynamics like I had to do with mine. It'll also mean the Mark Two sets will be more maneuverable and quicker, and be able to fly as long as a signal is being provided to the wings. Kira was instrumental in figuring that one out- he can apparently produce crystals that produce an infinite electrical current. Much stronger and more reliable than redstone."

The Scholar then took a moment, making a sudden realization. "Wait... why is it that Grandmaster Patrick ordered you to check in on me?"

Azrael sighed. "Azura... Naeus isn't dead. Nor is Sombre, or Enderheart. They all live, and they're the ones who have been harassing us."

A look of determination and confidence took over the Scholar's face. "Then let's show them that we don't back down until the job is done."

With renewed spirit, Azrael turned to report back to the Grandmaster, her news the seldom good that they ever received.

At Dragonspire, reconstruction was still very much underway. The Nether Horde had caused significant damage to the structure and surrounding land. Endermen, Netherkin, and humankind volunteers alike toiled away to restore the majestic tower to its former glory. Overseeing the project was none other than the former End Matriarch Ceris. Having passed off her mantle, she now was able to see to smaller matters than leading the Ender Watchers. Gabriel landed as Ceris waved off an Enderman volunteer, having just provided new instruction to them. For the first time since the spire had fallen, Gabriel saw Ceris happy.

"Was there something you needed, Gabriel?" She turned to face him.

He nodded. "Yes, I'm looking for Patriarch Rain and Matriarch Stella."

Ceris pointed to the still-unfinished war room of Dragonspire. "I believe you'll find them there. Perhaps... you could tell me the reason for your visit? I take it that this is no social call."

"I wish it was, Ceris," Gabriel started, "but Naeus is still alive, which means public enemy number one is our main priority."

Ceris thought a moment, giving Gabriel a look as if he'd said something completely outlandish. "You can't be serious. We watched him get buried. He has to be dead."

"Straight from the mouth of one of his goons, Ceris. They're all alive."

"We can't let them rebuild their forces. We barely won last time."

"They won't win, Ceris. Not if everyone fights together."

"Then let us go find Rain and Stella."

With a nod from both of them, they walked off into Dragonspire, seeking out the war room, and inside it, Stella and Rain. The pair had been hard at work choosing an inner circle for the new reign, but it proved difficult. Many humans were untrustworthy or weak, and seldom did an Enderman speak enough of their language to be of assistance beyond a soldier. But the pair were determined to rebuild the Ender Watchers. As members of the Frostbourne, their duty was to protect the world from threats. As Ender Watchers, their duty was to protect the End and its residents. With a new order of Ender Watchers, they could do both.

"What about Kira? The kid is a good fighter, and trustworthy too... if a bit childish at times," Stella proposed.

Rain nodded. "He would be a fitting candidate. But we need some from among the Endermen."

Before Stella could speak up, Gabriel and Ceris came in, the former speaking first. "Rain, Stella, we have news. Big news, bad news."

Rain looked up from the map table, over at Gabriel. "Well, spit it out."

Gabriel sighed. "Naeus and Sombre are still going strong. Somehow, they survived the entire damn Nether collapsing on them and have taken refuge somewhere in the Overworld."

Stella looked back down at her map. "Well... I may have a solution. A solution that gives us the edge we need. Rain, send some of the Watchers. Find me an Enderman named Igor and a docile zombie named Zack. They'll be able to help."

Rain nodded without contest, walking out of the war room and into the wastes of the End. Both Gabriel and Ceris cast a quizzical look at Stella, who shrugged. "What? You thought I was just some hermit? Zack and Igor were working with a man named Nero. Their project was something Nero called "Bluestone", a more versatile redstone that used electrical currents instead of redstone flux. The contraptions they made with the stuff... they were things that Azura and Amethyst could only dream of."

"Useful doesn't begin to describe what they could be to us," Gabriel remarked.

Ceris nodded in agreement. "They'll be a wonderful asset."

Rain came back inside. "Glad we're all in agreement, because Zack came to us."

A zombie with the occasional metal bit poking out came into the war room. "Hello, everyone. I'm Zack. Igor mentioned that we were needed?"

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