Chapter 1

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*Troye's POV*

It was just a normal Monday morning - I woke up, showered, dressed, grabbed a coffee and some food and went to school, same as always. I wasn't expecting him to acknowledge my existence. Seriously, I was so unprepared, I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I managed to keep my shit together though, I mean he only asked me to move out of his way. It's not like I was stood in front of his locker on purpose or anything.

Today was Tuesday, the day after my crush spoke to me. I was terrified of going to school, what if he spoke to me again? I wasn't sure if I'd be able to cope if he did. It is a hopeless crush to be fair, he's one of the popular guys and I have about 2 friends to my name. But a guy's allowed to dream, right?

Walking through the school gates, I kept my head down. I wasn't hiding, I just wasn't that bothered about being noticed. Like I said, I'm not very popular, and I was fine with that. I headed straight to my locker, leaving most of my stuff behind. I had a free period, so I decided to just relax in the library. Not many people were normally in there unless exams were coming up, so it'd be the perfect opportunity to listen to music and scroll through tumblr.

When I got to the library, I found I was right in thinking there would be few others there. The only other person in the fairly large room was Miss Lovitz, the old, miserable librarian. She didn't seem to like people or noise, and she always had a permanent frown on her face. I smiled when I walked past her, but she just glared back as I went to sit at the table in the furthest corner of the room. This happened to be next to the young adult fiction section, but I wasn't that interested in reading anymore. Most books nowadays were filled with the same plots and stereotypical characthers, overused cliches again and again.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my laptop and opened up spotify and tumblr. I plugged my headphones in and set my music on shuffle, trying so hard not to sing along out loud. After about 25 minutes of repetitive scrolling through my dashboard, I noticed movement ahead of me. Somebody was just choosing a book, so I didn't bother looking at them properly. Until, that is, he turned slightly, and I saw his face at a much clearer angle. He was tall, and skinny yet extremely muscly. He had messy, dark brown hair, and his eyes were a strange colour, they were like a stone-wash grey. Nobody could deny it, he was really good looking. It was him - my crush. I tried to suppress the blush spreading across my cheeks, so I hid behind my laptop, hoping he wouldn't try to communicate with me. It's not as if he would anyway, or that I didn't want him to, it's just I'd been caught off-guard and I'd probably lose the ability to speak English. However, today wasn't my day.

"Hey, do you read?" his voice put an end to the silence that hung in the room.

"I, er, I don't r-really, no," I stuttered. Well, this was going to be awkward.

"Oh, okay," he turned back to the books in front of him. "I'm kind of behind on my English coursework, if I don't pull my grades up my mom's gonna make me transfer. I figured if I read some books I might be able to pass but I have no idea what book to choose. They all look pretty shit anyway to be honest"

I'd kind of zoned out of what he was saying, and I was just listening to his voice. It was clear and deep, with a charming ring to it. Honestly, I could listen to it all day. I was dragged back into reality when he cleared his throat, obviously waiting for me to reply.

"I, uh, yeah, totally," why did I have to be so goddamn awkward?

"I didn't catch your name, what was it again?" my heart almost stopped, he wanted to know my name.


"Troye? I'm Jord."

Jord. He was a perfect guy.



i'm sorry if this chapter was a bit short, i'm gonna try and make them longer from now on but idk

let me know if you liked this or anything, feel free to vote & shittt

follow me on twitter & tumblr if you want @lazytronnor

see you in the next chapterrr

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