Chapter 2

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*Troye's POV*

It was lunch. Probably my least favourite part of the day. I'm not sure why, it just doesn't really appeal to me so much. I entered the canteen and went to sit at my usual table, which was in the far corner of the large room. Zoe and Louis were already sat there, chatting about something. I slid into the seat next to Zoe - even though I was friends with Louis he sort of intimidated me a bit. He was really adventurous, and that's why most people thought he was a freak, but that aspect of him scared the shit out of me, even though I thought it was pretty cool.

"Hey Troye!" Zoe smiled at me. I honestly had no idea why she hung out with us, she was friends with everyone.

"Hey, how are you?" I smiled back.

"I'm good I guess, me and Louis were just talking about last lesson, can you believe Miss Westfall is pregnant? She announced it in class."

"Ew seriously?" even though I was gay, I knew Miss Westfall definitely wasn't the type of person any straight guy would want to fuck. "Is she even married? I thought she was against shit like that."

"Yeah that's what I thought too, but who knows?" Louis joined in the conversation.

"Troye, look at who's about to walk past," Zoe smirked at me.

I turned and stared at Jord as he walked past our table, and went to sit at his own. I have to say, he had a very impressive butt, and it looked even better in those super-skinny jeans that he was wearing today. They went really well with the slightly baggy t-shirt he was wearing, and the oversized denim jacket. If it was even possible, he looked hotter than he normally did.

Zoe waved her hand in front of my face, and I blinked rapidly. Shit, had I been staring? I could feel my cheeks beginning to flame, how obvious had I been? Louis and Zoe started laughing at me, and I slumped back in my chair, embarrassed as fuck.

"Troye, nobody noticed except us, you're fine" Louis tried to comfort me, but he was still laughing.

I pouted at him, but I started giggling myself. The rest of lunch went by pretty quickly; me, Zoe and Louis chatted about random crap until the bell went. I got my bag and went to my next class, which was music, the only class I shared with Jord. However, all of the other popular people were in our class as well, so he spoke to them and I never got the chance to. It was so unfortunate because we sat two seats away from each other, this guy named Connor was sat in between us.

I'd never really spoken to Connor. He seemed like a cool guy I guess. He was actually pretty good looking, and he had the cutest laugh. Connor was super friendly as well, he talked to everybody. Apart from me. But I wasn't complaining, I wasn't exactly someone who interacted with the popular people.

He was talking to Jord, and from what I heard their conversation was about how our music teacher, Mr Wazowski, was fucking insane. I mentally agreed with them, Mr Wazowski was a complete and utter lunatic. I swear he had schizophrenia; he was always shouting at himself and having arguments with thin air. Why the school still employed him, I have no idea. None of the students really cared though, it gave them an excuse to piss about and do whatever the fuck they wanted to. The popular kids talked to each other and played pranks on everyone, the burnouts leaned out of the window sharing blunts and cigarettes, the nerds and loners actually did music, and sat there playing the keyboards, the relentless tune over and over again and again. Everyone else, including me, just sat there awkwardly, scrolling through social media on our phones. All the while, Mr Wazowski was shouting at himself as he played a repetetive song on the only piano in the room.

Suddenly, the room went silent. I looked up from my phone, and of course, the principal was stood in the doorway. Ms Whittaker looked around the room, clearly appalled by the sight.

"Mr Wazowski, it is essential I speak to you immediately after this lesson is over. Please go to my office, I will find somebody to cover any lessons you have for the remainder of the day. Students, I am absolutely disgusted in this atrocious behaviour, you will all suffer a week's worth of detention, and for the four people by the window who think it is acceptable to use drugs in this building, you are extremely incorrect. You are well aware the use of such things is illegal anywhere in this state, let alone in a school. You will be punished severely."

Ms Whittaker stopped for breath, her expression fierce and stern. I don't think there was a more strict headteacher in the rest of the country; I can't begin to explain how much of a bitch she was. She may seem composed and straightforward, and while she was those things, she was also mean and if she said you would be punished severely, it usually meant exclusion.

"Connor Franta, you are needed in my office. Bring all of your things, and don't expect to be in any more lessons for the remainder of the day. In case you are wondering why I didn't announce this over the intercom, it's because I'm sure you wouldn't want people think you're in trouble. Lucky for you, you aren't. However, if you aren't in my office in the next three minutes, then the whole school will know first-hand of a very unfortunate matter."

That being the end of her speech, she turned and left the room. All of us students were slightly intimidated, even the 'don't give a fuck' kids. I turned around to look at Connor, and it was evident he had no idea what had happened. He gathered his things, and left the room, giving Jord a nod. Mr Wazowski glared at everybody he came into eye contact with, and played a dark, haunting tune on that piano of his that he so dearly loved. I only knew that he loved it because he spoke to it a lot. And I mean a lot.

None of us knew what to think. I could hear people muttering quietly over what might be up with Connor, but nobody had any idea. I was curious as hell, but considering Connor and I had never really spoken, the only way I was going to find out was through Zoe. She had a way of being able to find out everything about everyone; she wasn't a gossip, she just knew how to get information out of people. I decided to ask her tomorrow morning, she'd definitely know by then.

The bell rang, and everyone rushed out of the room, heading to the penultimate lesson of the day. I had geography, that I hated. However, that lesson flew past, as did the next, and before I knew it I was walking home. It was really fucking cold, and I just wanted to be in bed with my laptop. Walking down a street a couple blocks away from my home, I saw police tape blocking off somebody's house. The house looked quite familiar as well, and after a couple minutes of trying to remember, I realised that I was pretty certain that Connor lived there. What the fuck had happened?


Hey, so I finally updated again! this is a pretty long chapter for me because they normally end up really short so I'm proud of myself

anyway if you enjoyed then let me know so I have inspiration to continue & shit

also follow me on twitter for irrelevant bullshit @lazytronnor

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