Chapter 2: The Children's Ward

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Sammy Pov (new pov yay!)

 While riding in the car, Miss Sadie asked me some questions. After about half an hour of driving, we pulled up to a HUGE building. It was white, with large metal fences around the outside and a few trees out front. One of the trees had a tire swing on it, so i guessed there were other kids here too. Miss Sadie got my suitcase out of the car and offered to carry it but i said i wanted to carry it. She just nodded and ssaid, "ok sweetie. Now lets go in and meet the other kids!" We went inside the huge white building. It was even bigger on the inside (A/N Dr. Who reference) We went down a few long hallways until we reached a section of the building that was the "Kids Ward" whatever that means. She took me to an empty room. "This is your room!" She said with a bright smile. I looked around at my room. Everything was white. The bed, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, everything. I was auful. I set my suitcase on the bed. Miss Sadie then took my hand and pulled me out the door. "Time to meet the other kids!" she said, dragging me along the corridor. I really didn't want to see anyone right now. I just wanted to go home. We came to a set of double doors, which Miss Sadie promptly opened with a 'swoosh'. The room was painted to look like a jungle, with lots of trees and animals, flowers and bugs. There were toys absolutely everywhere, and screaming kids,too. It was very loud. Some of the noise was coming from the tv in the corner of the room, but most of it was kids screaming, yelling, and crying.

Miss Sadie had to leave me for a few minutes, and said she would be right back. I just stood near the doorway and looked at everything going on in the room. Suddenly, a girl who looked about my age with curly brown hair and hazel eyes walked over to me. "Hi, I'm Katie Belle, but you can call me Katie or Kate. What's your name?" She said with a high voice. "I-im Sam. N-nice to m-meet you, K-Katie." I said, stuttering out of shyness. "It's nice to meet you, Sam! I hope we can be great friends!" She said, flinging her arms around me in a hug. I froze, surprised by the suddeness, but then i tentatively hugged her back. She let go and smiled brightly. "Will you come play with me?" She asked. 'sure, why not?' I thought as i answered her. "Yeah sure! What do you wanna play?" "Umm...." she looked around the room for something to do, when she spotted a doll house. "Lets go play with the doll house!" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the doll house. 'Oh grate, this is going to be fun.'

Third person POV

The two girls played with dolls for a while, until Katie had to got to the visiting room to see her parents. Sam looked around to see if there was anything better to do, and saw that there was a video game console in the far corner of the room. She went over to it, and saw that some kid had been stuck on a certain part of the game. She sat down and began to play where the previous player had left off. After beating that level, she wanted to keep going. Minutes turned into hours, and still Sam kept play that game. By the time she got to the final boss, there was a large crowd of kids sitting around her watching her play. She was oblivious to them. She was concentrated on beating the boss. After five minutes,  Sam threw the controller and shouted, "YES!" Then the crowd of kids who had gathered around to watch began clapping and cheering. A brunette boy the same age went up to Sam and said, "No one could beat that game! You are so cool! How did you do it?" Sam just shrugged "I don't know. I guess videogames come to me naturally." "I'm Nicholas, but everyone just calls me Nick! What's your name?" "My name is Sammy, but call me Sam," she answered, feeling somewhat safe and comfortable around this particular boy. "Well it's nice to meet you Sam! Do you...wanna play videogames with me, or something?" Nick asked a little shyly. "Sure!" Sam answered happily. 

The two kids played videogames until it was time for bed. "Umm, i dont remember where my room is..." Sam said sheepishly. Nick grabbed Sam's hand and walked with her until they found the nurse who operated the kids ward. "Excuse me Miss," Nick said, pulling on the woman's skirt. The woman looked down at the boy sweetly. "Yes, Nick?" "Sam has forgotten where her room is," Nick replied to the nurse. "ah yes, the new kiddo. Lets see here..." she said as she flicked through a large leatherbound book. "Ah! Here we go! Her room is actuall rigth next to yours, Nick. Would you kindly walk miss Sam to her room?" Nick nodded his head and beamed happily. The nurse smiled and patted his head. "Thank you. But you had better hurry! Lights out is in five minutes!' The nurse shooed the two children away, and the kids ran down the hallways to their rooms. All the while that they were running, Nick kept a firm grasp on Sam's hand. They stopped outside their bedroom doors. Nick let go of Sam's hand and pulled her into a hug, startling her. "Goodnight, Sam." He said, letting go and heading over to his door. "N-night," Sam replied, still shocked by the sudden hug. They rushed into their rooms before they got into trouble for being out in the hallways after lights out.

Sam's POV

'I'll have to thank Nick for helping me' I thought, laying in my bed listening to the crickets chirping outside my window. 'I wonder what that hug was about...' I blushed as i thought about the event that had happened only minutes ago. 'Could he like me?' I turned over and smiled into my pillow, thinking about my new friends in the Childrens Ward at Cherry Tree Falls Mental Facility; Katie and Nick.

A/N So there. I had a different ending, but then wattpad deleted most of what i had written. I am getting fed up with wattpad. But anyway, Stay awesome, my kawaii readers!

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