Sanity Lost-Chapter 1: Childhood

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Hi! I'm Sanity Lost! And this is the story of my STRANGE life........

3rd person POV

~At Cherry Tree Falls Hospital~

A man was helping a small child push a wheelchair to the parking lot, in which sat a woman, holding tightly onto a tiny bundle of blankets. The small family reached their car, a silver minivan, and the husband helped his wife get into the passenger side of the car. He then brought the wheelchair back to the hospital lobby. Back at the car, the little girl was bouncing with excitement in her carseat. "i wanna see my sissy again mommy!" she exclaimed to her mother. her mother sighed, "ok, but only if you promise to quiet down on the ride home." "okie-dokie mommy!" the small girl replied. The woman turned in her seat, showing the little bundle to the little girl. Nestled in the blankets was a small baby with light blonde fluff (a/n thats what i call small baby's hair:fluff), sleeping peacefully. The litle girl leaned over and gave her little sister a gentle kiss on the forehead. "luv you, sissy," she whispered to the slleping baby. The father got in the car, turning the key in the ignition. "Lets go home!" e said, trying to sound enthusiastic. 

~TIMESKIP to middle of car ride~ 

The mother looked at the little girl, who was fast asleep. "David,"she whispered to her husband, "Kiera's finally asleep." David chuckled. "she always sleeps in the car. you of all people should know that Cynthia," he replied, shaking his head slightly and chuckling. Cynthia looked down at the tiny baby she held in her arms. "I just hope that little Sammy will be able to grow up normally, what with her disorders and all," she said with a sigh. "Don't worry dear, she will have the most normal, exciting life ever imagined!" David reassured his wife. The rest of the car trip was quiet apart from the occasional rustling of Kiera moving in her sleep. As they pulled in their driveway, Cynthia woke her daughter from sleepland. "Rise and shine, honey," Kiera rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Are we home yet?" she grunted sleeping. Her mom smiles, "yes honey, we're home." Cynthia helped Kiera out of her caraway. Immediately after her feet we're on the ground, Kiera took off running into the house. Once baby Sammy was mapping peacefully in her crib, Cynthia and David called Kiera into the living room. "Now Kiera, you know that your little sister is "special", right?" Cynthia asked her young daughter. "Yup! What did the doctors say she had again?" Kiera said, changing her voice from enthusiastic to curious in mere seconds. "Well honey, Sammy has schizophrenia which makes her hear and see things that aren't there, ADHD which makes her really hyper, or energetic, anxiety which makes her worried about every little thing, and the doctor said that with her schizoprehnia she might develop depression." David explained to Kiera. "so that means you need to be extra extra nice to Sammy when she gets older, okay?" Cynthia added. Kiera nodded her head vigorously. "OK!!" Se said rather enthusiasticaly.

~TIMESHKIP brougth to you by pastas sliding through a box~

~seven years later: Sammy is 6-7, and Kiera is 10~

As little Sammy grew, so did her disorders. She became antisocial and was homeschooled. She barely went outside, so her hair stayed a very light blonde color. Her eyes were two different colors, the left one was bright green, while her right one was sky-blue. She was a very happy little girl, until her seventh birthday. 

Sammy was sitting in a corner of the living room, covering her ears and crying. Her mom walked over to her. "Whats wrong, sweetie?" she asked quietly, rubbing the small girls back. "The voices.......they won't go away!!!!!" Sammy sobbed, banging her head against the wall. Cynthia put her hand between her daughters head and the wall before Sammy could hit her head again. "Honey, just calm down. Remember what daddy and i taught you? Take deep breaths, and think about something else." "like what" Sammy inquired, looking up at her mom with a tear-stained face. Cynthia thought for a minue. "you could think about how fun your party is going to be! Grandma Suzy and Grandpa Johnny are coming over, as well as Auntie Beth and Uncle Thomas with your two cousins, Sara and Jake." Sammy nodded, closing her eyes. After five minutes she was a little calmer. "Alright! now lets go get your face cleaned up and change you into your new dress Auntie Beth got you!" Cynthia exclaimed, carefully picking her small daughter up.

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