part 31

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Fred's pov-

Kate left that same night i couldn't believe it...i lost her for good this time.

I cried silently that night, hoping it was all just a dream...a bad one.

I woke up to the sun's rays burning my eyes, i fully opened my eyes and looked up at the roofs patters, i sighed knowing i was out of tears by then.

I sat up at the edge of my bed and buried my head on my hands.

Someone knocked on the door, for a second I kinda thought it would be late which was a foolish guess of course.

"Come in" i said

The door opened and Gorge walked in

"Hey mate are you alright?"George asked

"I'd be lying if I said I was okay" i sighed

"Well Fred if I'm being honest it's not really anybody's fault"i knew George was right but it's to late

"Shes gone George she went back to that Brian guy"

"You mean Adam?" George corrected me

"Even his name sounds like rubbish"

"Yeah well about him well
.. he's bad news"George started

"What do you mean?" I frowned and lifted up my head to face him

"Well Ginny said when she was passing by the guess room were kate was staying in and the door was a bit opened and she caught a glimpse of kate...well covering up a purple bruise on her cheek, she though it was nothing at first but that that night she cried reviling the bruise quite alot" George said leaning on my bed frame.

"You don't think Brian did that do you?"
I asked growing

"Adam, and yes I sorta do think he did it, i mean why would she it hide when she got here?"

"I have to find her, i don't trust her with that Brian guy!" I stood up and made my way towards the door

"Okay freddie you have to sit down and for the last bloody time it's Adam! I'll help you get her back besides we have Hermione, Eve, Jade,luna and Ginny."
George sat me down and stood infront of me.

"Your right do any of them know we're she lives?"

"She lives in the muggle world Fred and Adam is a muggle don't tell me you didn't even bother to find out who Adam was"

"He won't be someone to her for long" i said under my breath

"Well let's go find out were shes at mate"


Kate's pov-

I finally arrived to my muggle home around 11:45  night and made my way towards the kitchen.

I opened the fridge in chugged down beers, while i sobbed, i looked over at the fire whiskey on the top shelf and brought a chair to reach it.

I popped it open and chugged a bit down ignoring the pain it caused my throat.

I then heard footsteps coming from the stair case coming down.

"Your here" Adam said with side smile

"I guess i am" i giggled

"Are you drunk?!" Adam. Asked worried

"No are you d-drunk?" I asked giggling like an idiot

After a while of Adam trying to take the fire whiskey and other alcohol away from me he finally sat me down in the couch and sat next to me.

"Im sorry kate i- you know I hade trust issues before you cant blame me for that now can you?" Adam said looking down

I couldn't think straight and all of the sudden i looked back up to face Fred's face
I found myself looking at his lips, and how i would tease him by biting his lower lip and he would get me back by  pulling away from the kiss randomly.

I pushed my lips on his and started to move against his, he was a bit shocked but didn't question a thing and moved his against mine.

My body was losing control and couldn't focus right, my legs were now wrapped around Adam as he sat down, i started moving lower and lower down his neck

Adam started to grunt a bid and i wasn't still wasn't in the right state of mind.

Adam got impatient and pushed me again the couch and got on top kissing my neck sloppy.

"F-fred-" i moaned softly

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Adam asked

I started giggling loud rubbing my hands again my eyes ,tired

"My dad was right about you" Adam said calmly

"Your dad is a dickhead" i giggled again

Adam scoffed a bit and slapped me hard squeezing my hands tight over my head.

My eyes started to water up

He pushed me off the couch causing me to hit myself against the small table.

"Ow!" I cried

"I'm Fucking tired of having to deal with your stupidity!" He smacked me.

I tried shielding myself with my arms with it was useless.

"My father is nothing like what you say when all he'd done is tell the truth about you woman!"

Adam kept hitting over And over sometimes in the same spot making bruises over old one.

"Stop it Adam! Stop!" I kept repeating until Adam finally was satisfied he stopped.

I wasn't sober yet but I wasn't dumb enough not to know what just happened.

I heard his footsteps go back up the stairs.

I felt nauseous, tired,my crying and yelling just made me lose a bit of my voice.I was sore all over my body, i couldn't move.

I was crumbled up touching my bottom lip.i hissed to the pain, i looked over at my finger had blood.

I looked all around my arms and legs.


I Focused my thoughts on the fire and remembered that one night i couldn't sleep and stayed up a bit longer with Fred.

I started to sniffle and breath rapidly, i whimpered a bit and gently stood up trying not to touch or move much so it wouldn't hurt.

A tear had fallen down my cheek slowly
" I can't do this" i whispered still not very sober but the pain on my body was something i could definitely feel.

I looked over at my phone and grabbed it and slowly left the house with out making noise. I turned my phone on and dialed Hermiones number, then Ginny, Eve's, Jade's,luna's but no one answered. I finally dialed George's

"Hello, kate!?" George said in the other end

"Hey it's me kate, do you think you can pick me up?"


Fred's pov-

Me and George planning on ways to get to kate, without her pushing us away.

George's weird device started to move, George explains it was a way to communicate in a muggle way, kate showed them how to use them, took them a while to understand but they got the hang of it.

"Hello? Kate!" George exclaimed

I stood up from my seat and George set the device down, pressed it and it got louder.

" ..George can you pick me up?"

I looked up at George worried

"Yeah sure just tell me were you are"George asked.

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