part 11

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Kate's pov-

"Kate darlin it's not your time yet go back"  dad's voice echoed.

"Dad what am I going to do without you? ever since you left things just seem to get worst" i tried focusing my eyesight but all I saw was a bright light.

"Darlin live longer do it for me, do it for your Friends do it for, Molly hell do it for that boy you fancy what's his name again George?"

"Dad it's Fred not George- wait how do you know?!"

"Kate Darlin you really have to hide your feelings better if that is what your trying to do"

"Dad lets stop talking about my love life I'm here aren't you happy to see me?"

"Darling your not really here yet...
Kate that was a foolish thing you did I gave my life for you, please live longer for my sake"

" what do you mean you gave your life for me? Is someone out to get me?!"

"It was Bellatrix... voldemort is back I want you to hide i want you to be safe my death is just a distraction there's death eaters out to get you, don't think they would stop at a cost!"

"Dad don't go wait does harry know?! Dad don't go dad-" the  White bright lights slowly started to fade away.

I opened my eyes to find myself in Ginnys room in her bed the window was open and giving me a little headache, as i tried to sit up i felt a sting on my arm, I looked over at my wrist they were covered by bandages, the door slowly open it was Fred and he was holding a tray of food.

"hello"I said in a low  tired voice.

"Hello is that really what you're going to say after trying to kill yourself, is that really just that normal for you do you know how many people are worried do you know-"

" I'm sorry" i said lowering my head interrupted Fred

He closed the door slowly behind him and put the tray next to the bed on top of a small table.

He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messy he looked like he hasn't slept for some days.

" how long was I a sleep for" i picked up my head

"2 weeks" he said

" 2 weeks I missed dads funeral I was being selfish- I- I just wanted to do what I wanted I didn't think about e-verybody else I'm a so selfih god damnit!"  I said covering my face with my hands

"hey, hey don't put too much pressure on your wrist" Fred said in a worried town

"I'm sorry"  I look deep into Fred's eyes and I remembered why I was so mad at him it was silly and I know it but I've learned something along the way.

I like Fred

I always thought of him as a silly crush but i somehow just feel as if those feelings are stronger.

  Fred eyes were so gentle and he had the smallest little smile as if he was happy.

I looked over at the tray with food "did you make it yourself?"I asked Fred

" I did what I could do not the bloody best but i hope it's not too bad" Fred said a bit embarrassed

"at this point Fred I could eat anything" i said with a quite giggle.

" I'll take that as a compliment" Fred said in a sarcastic tone.

" where's everybody else?" Fred sat down "fred i need to talk to Harry it's something important!" Fred went back to his worried face

"What wrong love?" Fred asked

"I spoke to my dad he said- he said voldemort is back, Cedric was killed by him and and- Harry was right he's back and he's after me too"   Fred leaned over to hug me gently.

"Shh it's okay calm down I'll get Harry here" Fred said noticing my voice starting to crack.

Fred's cooking wasn't even half bad I guess he justs tuff on himself

"I have a question" fred started to look away and rub the back of his neck.

" ask away" I said

"what were you saying when you were in a coma- uh i mean well you were  mumbling a lot you said some words- and um I'm  pretty sure I heard it wrong so u'm- never mind"

"Oh okay"

I stood up slowly i didn't know my whole body would feel so different after not walking for 2 weeks I reassured Fred I was all right.

"See I'm all righ-" before i could take a step I felt my whole body get overwhelmed. I stumbled a bit falling into Fred's arms.

"My bad "

I don't think you have enough energy why did you stand up? " Fred asked trying to hold me up.

"um I'm going to the restroom" I said looking down.

Fred helped me towards door and stop at the entrance of the bathroom.

"what is it?" I asked

"I-I just I don't want you to do the same thing that you did last time" I looked at him and looked back at the door

"Aw look at Freddie being all worried and cute about it"i said giggling at him

I'm sure he didn't find it funny so i stopped laughing and cleared my throat.

"I won't i promise' i reassured him

I walked in and closed the door behind me, i looked at myself in the mirror and Saw how horrible i looked i washed my face and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

I stepped out to see Fred sitting down on a chair how long was it since he slept?

'Freddie" i whispered "here get on the bed you should rest" i set fred down and he slowly closed his eyes completely

'You too, you should rest a bit too love" Fred said lifting the covers up for me.

I could feel my face turn red as i slid under the covers next to Fred,  i felt Fred's arm wrap around my waist pulling me closer towards him.

I could hear Fred's steady breathing above me i looked up to see Fred sleeping peacefully his hair was red with a hint or orange against the sun's sunlight and his freaked cheeks were do cute.

I found myself looking at his lips, i wonder how they felt..

Welcome to Kate's overthinking mind---

' kate get yourself together!

' you can't like him!'

'you know it his a one of your bestfriends you'll ruin your friendship!"

' besides those same lips kissed Angelina'

' he kissed her he likes her and she likes him don't be a homewrecker!'

'Focused on what dad told you!'

'not on a silly boy who doesn't even like you back

'fred is just a tease!'

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