chapter 4: new romantics

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But every night with us is like a dream

February 1994

After everyone had returned to Hogwarts from the Christmas Holidays, things stayed quiet at first, at least as quiet as things would be at Hogwarts. Apparently Sirius Black had broken into the Gryffindor dormitories and attacked Ron Weasley, but the stories about it got more dramatic and wild every time I heard them, so I wasn't sure how much to believe of it.

Fred, George and I talked every so often, when we saw each other in the corridors or in the library. Fred asked me to do his homework once more, I said no but only because when I looked at it I had no idea what any of it meant.

A few weeks after this happened, Daphne, Pansy and I were walking back to the common room, but Daphne suddenly stopped.

"Oh no, Thea! I think we forgot to go to the library. We forgot... you know for astronomy", she said and it was clear that she was lying and just trying to get rid of Pansy. Pansy probably could tell as she raised her eyebrow at Daphne.

"Oh right! We did, let's do it now!", I played along with Daphne's game, although I had no idea what she wanted. Pansy definitely did not believe us, but she did not care enough to call us out on it.

"Yeah whatever I will see you all tonight"

After Daphne and I were a few corridors away from Pansy I turned to her.

"What was that all about?"

"I talked to Blaise today", she told me, looking too excited for such basic information.

"Okay I talked to Draco today. What about it?"

Actually the conversation with Draco had been rather unpleasant. We did not get along well.

"But Draco didn't give you the password to another secret party tomorrow night. Blaise told me I should bring you again and I forgot to tell you earlier"

"So I can be your babysitter, so you won't drink too much again", I laughed, but Daphne shook her head ignoring my teasing.

"I won't get that wasted again, please come with me!", she begged, grabbing both my hands and shaking them, "I will do your History of Magic Essay!"

I didn't need her to do my homework to convince me. I had actually liked the idea of going to another party, but Daphne had offered it, so why would I say no.

"Is that so? I am in!"

"Great, now do you wanna watch Quidditch Practice, because if we get back so early Pansy will be suspicious", Daphne proposed.

"She's definitely already suspicious!", I said but still nodded and so we walked out to the Quidditch Pitch, where the Slytherin Team was practicing. We sat down near the edge of the field watching the players fly over our heads, until it got too boring.

"Can we leave now please? They've been doing the same thing for hours", I complained.

"You just don't understand Quidditch", said Daphne, "Let's just stay a little longer. Also Gryffindor is practicing after them."

"Okay and?"

"Well rumor has it you have a soft spot for their beaters!", Daphne giggled.

"First of all, I know that rumor came from either you or Pansy.", I laughed, "Also both of them? That's bold!"

"Well, I just can't tell them apart", Daphne sighed.

"So it was you?", I asked and looked at her smirking. Daphne didn't answer, but just giggled, which was enough of an answer. We sat in silence for a while.

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