chapter 1: begin again

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I watched it begin again

November 1993

In the winter of my third year things changed. It had been a strange year altogether with the Dementors in Hogwarts and Sirius Black apparently running free, trying to break into Hogwarts. But every year was strange at Hogwarts somehow. It was a Friday when after class Blaise Zabini followed me and Daphne. I personally think it was because Daphne had gotten boobs over the summer, but I wouldn't say that out loud.

"Hey girls! Daphne, Dorothea!"

"What do you want Zabini?". Daphne asked, turning around to look at him, which led me to stop, too.

"You like partying right, Greengrass. I know you do. Well I have just the thing for you, and you, too Murray . I may or may not know about a secret party. You know the secret corridor in the dungeons right? Well tonight 8 PM, don't be on time, the password is Moon Shoot. Don't tell anyone.", Blaise explained. He seemed excited.

"Parties? In the corridor? Sounds gross", Daphne replied, not even trying to hide her judgy tone.

"It's cool, just come and check it out, Greengrass."

"We'll think about it", she said and grabbed my hand pulling me away.

"Do you wanna go, Thea?", she asked once we could be sure that Blaise wouldn't hear us anymore.

"To the party? I don't know, do you? I think I would go if you go."

"I don't wanna get in trouble, but like Blaise is cute and he invited us so...", Daphne said nervously looking around, as if she was afraid Blaise was still around.

"Blaise is cute?"

"I think he is cute. Is he not? I mean does it matter? We can ask Pansy later what she thinks, not about the party. It's a secret and we are gonna go.", Daphne said as she entered the Slytherin Common Room, "Meet me here 7:50, dressed and ready."

She dramatically walked off and up the stairs to our shared dorm. I didn't follow her, instead I sat on the big couches and placed my potion books in my lap. If we were to party tonight I should probably do at least some of my homework now. I had plenty of time before dinner and getting ready before dinner seemed like a dumb idea anyway. What was I gonna wear anyway. I didn't exactly plan for parties when packing for this year. Maybe Daphne could lend her something, the two of us were about the same size and Daphne had many cute clothes. Maybe doing homework now wouldn't work, my mind felt too busy. This was my first party after all, unless you counted the Common Room parties after Quidditch matches.

"Hey Murray. Wanna go to the owlery?", Pansy asked walking into the common room just at the right moment.

"Yeah sure. Can't focus on potions right now anyway." I jumped up to follow Pansy to the Owlery. Pansy was often sending letters to her parents, I would say almost weekly.

"Where is Daphne anyway?", Pansy asked on our way.

"Dorm. Don't know what she is doing, maybe sleeping."

We arrived at the Owlery and Pansy picked what she considered the prettiest owl to send a letter to her parents. After that Pansy and I wandered the grounds a bit, watching the Slytherin Team's Quidditch Practice for a moment. We returned to the castle just in time for dinner, plopping down next to Daphne at the Slytherin table.

"Where have you been?", Daphne asked, sounding upset, that we had left her.

"Nowhere particular. Why? Did you miss us?", Pansy snapped back. Seconds later the food appeared on the table.

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