PUB accident

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"Ouch! Hey not so hard!"exclaimed liu who was being bandaged by his girlfriend

"Sorry,but I wouldn't have to do this if you would be more careful."said miyo

"Well I couldn't just sit there and let you be harassed by those men!"liu argued waving his arms in the air

"You know I can take care of my self."she answered calmly "and its you I'm worried about your not too good at melee combat."she added

Liu at little offended crossed his arms and looked away
Miyo quickly apologised
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that" she said softly turning his head
"*sigh* yeah I know what you mean...and I guess your right..."he said looking down feeling disappointed  about himself.Miyo sat down and put her hand on his shoulder
"Hey...liu c'mon don't be sad I know you were just trying to protect me and your not weak your very optimistic,intelligent and so many other great thing that made me fall for you"Liu smiled "thanks miyo"he kissed her cheeked.
Just then they heard a knock on the door.They live in a big house with 2 floors with a garden and a pool in the back.Miyo opened the door and saw their friends
Lonky:Hey miyo we heard liu got his butt kicked.
Popo:So we came here to check on him.
Miyo:Hey guys come in.She stepped aside and led them upstairs liu was watching tv
Liu:Hi guys what are you doing here?
Kuga:To see if your okay we heard you got beaten up.
Pala:yeah how did it happen?

Liu was sitting on a stool on pub counter waiting for miyo who went to the bathroom when suddenly he saw miyo getting surrounded on a corner by 5 men who were obviously drunks.Liu quickly went over to them and said "Hey leave her alone!!"
Fred:Oooo and who's this?your boyfriend.The other men laughed.Liu who was aware that they were stronger than him not to mention outnumbered quickly think of a plan
"If you want her you have to beat all of us first"said one of the guys holding miyo."liu tried to look intimidating but when he saw fred   caressing miyo's cheek his mind acted on its own and he launched at him punching his nose "Ahhhh"he screamed the guy on fred's right said"dude  you ok?" "GET HIM!" yelled fred holding his nose.They quickly attacked liu  but liu dodged most of the attacks and hit a few of his own he jumped backwards  when one guy grabbed his leg and slammed him on the ground hard.Fred kicked him in the stomach
"Liu!!!"Miyo screamed trying to break free,she stepped on one of the men's foot with her heels  the guy screamed in pain causing him to let go of miyo's hand
with one hand free she scratched the other one's face  knocking him unconscious.
Fred and the two guys beating up liu didn't notice miyo was free so she kicked his back causing him to fall.The other two tried to grab her but with her flexibility she jumped and and kicked them both in the face.She ran to liu who was getting up."Owww" "Liu are you ok?"she asked helping him "yeah.."
"C'mon let's get out of here"
Liu: -and that's what happened
Lonky:wow you really need to work out on the gym more often.
Kuga:So what happened to those men?
Miyo:oh they got arrested.
Popo:well its getting late we better go home now.
Pala:yeah take care guys.
Liu/Miyo:Bye! Thanks for visiting.

At night they were getting ready for bed
Liu:thanks again miyo
Miyo:yeah don't feel bad about it ok.She said softly and then kissed on the lips.
Liu:Good nigth
Miyo:night love

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