Indirect Brothers

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Gai was in his room taking care of his younger brothers and since they can't go to school gai was the one teaching them and he was surprisingly good at it too.
Gai was in the middle of a lesson when his youngest brother raised his hand to ask "Hey gai,can we take a break? I'm hungry" Pai asked with puppy eyes and the others nodded up and down eagerly with their teeths  shown.Their brother
sighed knowing this was their way of escaping class but he just can't resist those eyes and besides he also getting a tad hungry himself so Gai nodded and put all their materials below the mong statue. They exited their room and entered the kitchen.

They noticed that the whole building seems to be unusually quite.Gai looked around as his brothers went for the fridge they took a knife and some meat and vegetables and made sandwiches for each of them.

"Mmm~" His little brothers groaned at the taste "where is everyone?" asked Mai looking at the room. "Dunno" said Gai as he took a bite on his sandwich. Just then the door opened indicating someone has entered,the four mongs looked at the door and saw their green friend and leader,liu,yawning and stretching his  arms "hey guys,mornin" he said giving a little wave.

"Its noon" Gai stated flatly,liu stopped and blinked blushing a little "o-oh hehe well guess I over slept" He said getting something from the fridge before joining the brothers.

"Say,where is everyone?" Liu asked confused noticing that no one else was around.

"We were wondering the same thing" Zai said

Liu thought about where they could be did they go shopping without them? If so then why didn't they bring him and gai? Did they leave them on purpose or just forgotten about them or not wanting to disturb them.


"Liu!" Liu blinked,gai snapped his fingers to get his attention. The four mong brothers stared at him and liu laughed sheepishly " where you saying something?" He asked them.

"Yeah,me and my brothers wants to go to the park.You wanna come?" Liu thought about it,he has no plans anyways and being here all alone is pretty boring so why not? And besides he could get a chance to get to gai and his baby bros a little better.

"Ok sounds fun" Liu smiled nodding.Gai's brothers cheered in excitement for their friend coming along.

They were walking to the park occasionally talking and chatting along the way,liu asking questions to gai's brothers and them asking him about stuff too.Liu asked one by one about their favourite things to do and what they thought about the others as well.
They said Pala is kinda like the nice grampa type,Kuga is so strong and they wondered if one day they could train with him.Liu and Gai both chucked at the thought of kuga being a mentor,they would pay to see that. Then they said Lonky and popo are like the funny uncles that always brings laughter to the group and miyo,they said she is a great gal and perfect partner for gai. Gai blushed at that and smiled dreamily and for  some reason liu felt a little sad about it,like the idea of gai and miyo is...te- no! What was he thinking?Why did he just think about that?
He shook his head and brought his attention back to gai's brothers.

"What about me?what do you think of me?" Asked liu.They were quiet thinking of what to say,liu felt a little dissapointed...did they not like him?

"Your really kind and optimistic!" Mai exclaimed

"A great leader and very smart!" Added Zai

"And your also like our second brother!" Ended  Pai
and the other two agreed at what he said. Liu blushed at their thoughts about him especially the last one.They think of him as a brother...that put a big smile on liu's face. He looked at gai with a smile and gai smiled back at him.

The whole afternoon they spent playing tag and hide and seek and eating ice creams. Liu and Gai were sitting on a bench as the two watched the three kids laughing and enjoying themselves chasing  each other around in a circle.

"Liu..thanks for helping me and hanging out with us today" Gai said to him with a warm smile.Liu returned it with a bigger smile "Of course gai! Anything for you..guys" Gai smiled and held out his fist,liu stared at it for a moment before finally getting what he means,he smiled and they both did a fist bump.

"Hehe" the two of them laughed.


They heard Zai grunt they both turned to the kids and saw Zai had stumbled and fell. Gai and liu quickly approached the injured Zai.

Mai and Pai hovered on both sides of  Pai holding his arms helping him up.

"Zai! Are you ok?is it bad?" Asked gai worry plastered all over his face and voice.

"*grunt* I don't is" he answered breathing from the stinging pain.

"Hmm" Liu kneeled down inspecting the bruise,it was bleeding but nothing a little bandage can't fix. They brought Zai to the bench sat him,gai held his hand as his brother was breathing like he was giving birth while liu
kneeled again and pulled out a small first aid kit on his back pocket.

"Do you carry a first aid kit with you all the time?" Gai asked raising hid eyebrow.
"Of course I do! Never leave home without it" Liu answered with bright smile as he slowly put the band aid on the wound Zai hissed a little from the contact but soon relaxed as he felt the pain leaving.

"There all finish" Liu stood up adjusting his glasses

"Thanks liu!" Smiled Zai
Liu smiled back "No prob" he gave a thumbs up "Just be more careful next time ok buddy" Zai nodded and slowly stood up.

"Well I think that's enough fun for one day,whatd'ya we go back to the dorm,I'm beefed" Gai said wiping a sweat on his forehead.

They all nodded and returned to the building. They entered Gai's room and the three mongs instantly jumped on gai's bed falling asleep almost immediately. Both gai and liu glanced at each other smiling and left the room quietly.

The others came back to where ever they had been and saw the two lying on the  couch,both had tired looks on their faces.

"What happened to them?" Asked a voice,they just looked on another wondering what the two had done while they were away.


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