Sick Kuga

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It was early in the morning, kuga was lying on his bed  feeling unusually tired and heavy,he thougth he was just still sleepy so he just went back to sleep a little more.

Meanwhile the others were having breakfast
"Mmm hey guys where's kuga?"asked liu
"Probably still in bed he looked...pretty tired from last nigth"said lonky
"yeah maybe your rigth"said liu." then they just continued eating.

Later that day....

"hey kuga hasn't come out in his room all morning,think somethings wrong?"said popo
"Oh his probably fine"answered lonky
"maybe we should check if his alrigth"suggested miyo
"rigth lets go"said liu.
When they got to kuga's room they saw an unexpected scene kuga was lying on his bed looking pale and is breathing heavily, "Haven't you guys heard of knocking"he said in a tired and weak voice
"Oh um hey kuga we just wanted to check if your ok?"liu said "Im fine...just tired" kuga said sitting up
"Hmm you sure?, you don't look so hot"lonky said worried "uh..yeah"said kuga uncomfortably, the others were surprised? with the girraffe's sudden very unlonky behaviour."hmm uh oh looks like you have a fever"lonky stated with his hand touching his forehead
"it's nothing to worry about,just a small flu it will go away soon"kuga said
"Maybe you should eat first because..well you haven't have breakfast yet"miyo suggested."fine"kuga said defeated "so what would you like" lonky asked with his hands on his back "I don't know,anything"answered kuga" "ok great you just lie there and wait for your room service,c'mon  guys let's go~"lonky ordered "rigth"they said simultaneously.

At the kitchen

"Ok so what do we make?"asked miyo "I don't know he said he'll eat anything so let's just make a simple meal"stated liu "like eggs and bacon?"asked popo "yeah"
"Ok I'm gonna make a herbal medecine for kuga"said pala "ok good luck pala"liu smiled "Ok everyond lets start" ordered lonky.

After they're done cooking and pala finished making the medecine,lonky volunteered to give it to kuga
"sure"the rest just nodded wierdly

"Oh kuga~ here's your meal and medecine"
"Huh oh thanks,just put it on the table I'll eat it later"
"What!? no way mister your going to eat it now so you could get better fast"lonky commanded like a mom?parent?
"I'm too tired to do it now ok" "ugh fine" lonky pulled a chair and sat beside kuga's bed "here" "uh w-wait w-what are you doing!?"asked kuga wierded out by lonky's action "I'll feed you duh"lonky replied rolling his eyes "w-what?" "because I'm a prince that cares for his friends ya know.Now eat"lonky told once more,
kuga took the food and drinked the medecine
"there now was that so hard?" "nrghh..whatever there I'm done thanks you can leave now" "nah I think I'll stay here for a while do you want to talk?" "what..fine if it will get you to leave after"So they talked about stuff, kuga got to know the prince alot better about his childhood his parents etc. After an hour of talking lonky finally left with a "get well soon;)" note
kuga just smiled before falling asleep.When lonky got back to the main room the others bombared him with questions like
"what took you so long?"
"how's kuga doing?"
"what happened" he just answered after he ate his food they talked for a while,of course he didn't tell that he fed him and what they talked about.

The next day

Kuga entered the room and got asked "hey buddy you feeling better" "how ya doing" "Im feeling a lot better now actually"then he went over to lonky "thanks for yesterday" kuga said putting his hand on lonky's shoulder "no problem bro"*wink*
"You wanna hang out?"asked kuga "sure,later guys!"the others just stood there dumbfounded
"uhh what just happened?"liu asked

Kuga and lonky hanged out and became closer and kuga got to know lonky alot more thanks to his fever.

That's all sorry if its bad

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