Third Choice

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Miyo slouched against the wall of her  room, resting her face in her hands. "What am I going to do?" she wondered, her mind still swimming with thoughts of Gai and Liu.They just found out that gai is returning for the new RM championship "Who would I choose,I don't want to hurt either of them" she was confused and frustrated,this was exactly what she feared this was the reason she didn't want  any romantic relationships there's always a love triangle and now their  friendship is breaking because of her.

The slamming of a door interrupted her thoughts. She looked up to see her friend May beaming in her direction."hey girl I-" her smile soon faded when she saw the distraught look on her face. "Miyo what's wrong? Did something happen?"

She shook her head and shrugged. "No," she muttered. "Not yet, for now."

May went to her side, nudging her shoulder gently. "Well, c'mon, cheer up!"she said, forcing a smile. "Not much of a reason to be upset. I mean, the world is saved again, and gai's actually alive… If anything, we have quite a a lot of reasons to be happy, don't we?"

Miyo didn't reply; instead, she looked away from her prying gaze, folding her arms across her chest. "How… How are Liu and Gai doing?" she asked.

May snorted. "They're at it again." After gai returned liu tried a matchmaking machine for the three of them and it showed liu so gai became furious,ever since then he and liu had been arguing nonstop .She trailed off when the realization hit her. "Wait…are you still upset over that silly Love Match thing?"

"A little… I want to choose between them, but I just can't! There's all this pressure on me to just decide and get it over with already, but I just can't choose!"

May watched as her friend sank slowly onto the ground, resting her chin on her knees and staring at the wall ahead tears in eyes. She didn't know what to say that would make her feel any better, feeling that whatever she did say might backfire. She eventually sat on the ground next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, before finally speaking.

"You do know…a machine can't tell you who you should love. No kind of technology is that accurate. Hell if you want, you could go back there and try it again, and it'd probably be the latter person this time."

She looked up at her. "Yeah I know..."

"You'll never know. And, listen, look if you're still convinced that a machine can tell you who your perfect match is, then consider this: How have those two  been treating you? Has one been treating you better than the other? Or are they just trying to one-up each other when it comes to impressing you?"

Miyo leaned back
"No they're not like that"she trailed of trying to remember what they did after finding out about the Love Tester. "But you're right. That kinda does help me, Thanks May."

May gave her friend a hug, smiling. "No problem. And if it were to be my decision, any guy who tries to compete with another guy for you isn't worth being with."

She held out a hand for miyo, which she gratefully took, and helped her up. "And if your still unsure there's always the third choice" she said, heading for the couch.

"The third choice?"miyo asked
May jumped over to the couch, lying down and grabbing the TV remote. "Yup reject them both"
"Wouldn't that hurt the both of them?"
"Yeah but aleast they'll stop fighting over you,and you can always let them down easy or not "

She smirked. "Yeah,I guess you have a point" she said,walking to the door "see you later!"she said and shutted the door behind her.


"Screw off, gai!" Liu yelled, shoving the monkey ninja away roughly. "If miyo wants to be with me, why can't you just deal with it?"

Gai stomped back towards him, kicking him in the face. "Oh, really, bug boy! You know she likes me more!! That trash machine of yours was just confusing her mind"

"What did you just call my machine?!"Liu grabbed gai by his front shirt , raising a fist and preparing to punch him in the jaw. "I'll give you three  seconds to take that back before I-"

A loud shut on the door made them stop to see who interrupted them they turned to see to see Miyo standing by the door, hands on her hips. "What's happening?" she asked angrily "I thougth you said you two wouldn't fight anymore?"

Gai shoved liu away, smiling. "Nothing, miyo! We're just…" He paused and glared at Liu before continuing. "…having a friendly brawl with each other."

Liu scoffed. "Yeah, whatever. You started it, Banana boy" He smirked when gai glared again. "So, what do you need?"gai asked her trying to keep his composure

Miyo came closer. "I just wanted to tell you two…that I've finally made my decision."

The two  grinned, their eyes lighting up in anticipation. "Well, c'mon don't keep us waiting, tell us!" Gai insisted.

"Yeah, this has gone on long enough!" Liu added. "Please, come on!"

She took a deep breath before replying. "I choose…the third choice" They looked at her with confused faces "I choose neither of you."

Liu and Gai both took a step back, mouths gaping. "Wait Wh-what?" Gai stammered. "B-but…aren't we…"

"That's another thing, Gai. I decided I'm…breaking up with you," she said. Her voice sounded strained, as though she were having difficulty even voicing the words."even we're not in one I'm ending it before it starts"

Liu's  eyebrows furrowed. "What about me?" he asked.

"That's just it. I don't want to be with either of you." When Gai and Liu exchanged bewildered glances, she explained further. "If you guys really cared about me, you wouldn't even be trying to compete for my attention. If anything, you'd ignore what the machine said and move on."

"But… But you listened to what it said, didn't you?" Liu retorted weakly. "Shouldn't you have moved on, too?"

Miyo nodded. "Yeah, your rigth I should have, and I'm not happy I didn't move on sooner, but at least that gave me a chance to see what you would do if I were ever to be interested in another guy."

"I never started the fights, though,"Liu said defended. "Gai over here was the only one who started arguing with me whenever he saw the two of us together!"

"Yeah, but you kept retaliating. You never ignored him or tried to make the fighting stop! Your suppose to be brains over brawns!"

The two boys fell silent, looking down at the ground as miyo continued. "You guys were so focused on trying to to impress me rather than actually trying to make me happy." She folded her arms,"I know that might sound selfish, but my point still stands: I choose neither of you, and I don't care what you say about it."Hey eyes showed no emotions,she turned and headed for the door, but not before adding, "And I hope you two can sort out your issues  soon cuz I don't want our team to fall apart."

They both ran to her only be slammed by the door. Liu and Gau sighed heavily, slumping onto the floor beside each other. "We blew it man" they said in unison, turning to glare at the other.

"Well, I hope you're happy," Gai growled. "Thanks to you, Miyo now hates me, and she'll probably never speak to me again."

"My fault? If anything this is your…" Liu gritted his teeth, then slouched. "No… she's right. We shouldn't be fighting."

Gai's gaze softened. "Yeah… She probably hates us both now…"

They were both quiet for a long moment, not daring to make eye contact with each other. Gai brushed his hair up to fix it and hesitantly stretching his hand out towards liu.

Liu  stared at him, narrowing his eyes. "What?"

"Truce?" Gai suggested. "From here on out, no more fighting. How about it?"

Liu took a deep breath and smiled, then took Gai's hand. "Deal"


May was flipping through pages of a novel she was reading when Miyo walked in, her expression not giving  any obvious emotion. "Hey, so how did it go?" May asked sitting up, putting her book down.

"It went....good," she said after a moment.Walking over to sit on the couch next to her girlfriend.

"You happy with your choice?"

Miyo nodded. "To be honest…I think I feel a lot better about it than I thougth."she smiled

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