Chapter 22

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Harry P.O.V

It has been a week since.

We were having dinner later that day and you could still feel the tension between us. Niall for the first time didnt have an appetite to eat.

We were all so worried about him. I'm guessing he had a soft spot for Nia if you know what i mean.

Louis wasnt loud as usual. He was sulking and kept looking at the stuff carrot that Elouise bought for him. Guessing he fall for her too.

Zayn kept looking at his drawing but he wou.ldnt show us. He said it was too special. Whatever that means.

Me and Liam are worried about these boys. They are sulking and its worrying me.

"You guys want to fix this right?" i asked.

"You guys want to meet the girls again right?" i continued.

"Yeah.." the three sighed.

"Then lets find them!" i said eagerly.

"They may not be in London anymore!" Liam said.

"Oh yeah.. but we'll find them.." i said.

"How do you know Haz?" Louis said.

"We'll do the hunt tomorrow we need some rest first" i said.

They all agreed and went to bed. Now the hunt for our 5 lovely girls is GO!

Zayn P.O.V

We were all rise and early. Harry had promised us to go look for the girls today. I really missed Zayla her eyes her hair and everything.

The only thing that i always see when i miss her was the drawing of her. It brought me to the time when i first fell for her.

"So Harry how are we going to find the girls?" Niall asked. He was as eager as i was.

"First take a seat" he said and we all sat down.

"And let the t.v do all the work" he said as he opened the chanel.

We raised an eyebrow at him. How can the tv do all the work? Just then an interviewer was on the screen.

"Good morning! I'm Rachel today is going to talk about One Addiction! You have heard they dropped out of the x-factor leaving their fans in heart breaks. I'm here in the local park interviewing Zayla" her name literrally made my heart skipped a beat.

"Hello Zayla how have you been?"

"Great i guess but i miss the life..y'know?"

"Oh so what are you planning on doing now?"

"Oh i've recently applied London Fine Arts School and now i do face-painting for children here"

"Oh..Do you know where your bandmates are?"

"" i knew that she knew where they are you could see in her eyes she was lying.

"Well thank you that is all for today! Thanks Zayla for joining us!"

Then Harry shut off the tv. I didnt know i was this close to the telly.

"So we only know where Zayla is? What about the others?" Liam said.

"She was lying. I think she perfectly knew where the others were!" i grinned.

"Well lets get going! I exactly knew which park she's at!" Louis exclaimed as we head out.

It wasnt along drive until we reached a park that had a bunch of kids. We all looked over and guess what i saw. Yup! You bet Zayla.

I used the car mirror to check my hair and i also check my breath. Hey you gotta impress her.

"Okay Zayn now go sweet talk her" Harry instructed.

"And tell us if you know where the others are!"

Zayla P.O.V

"There you go sweety!" i said finishing the unicorn on her face.

You might be wondering what i'm doing. Well i have taking a liking of face painting children at the park. They seem to love and i love seein their expressions.

"Hey Zayla" a deep voice said behind me. It cant be! No! He ruined my life now what does he want.

I turned around and boy was i angry.

"What the heck do you want?" i asked angrily.

"You know we are sorry.." he trailed off.

"Huh! Sorry? You killed our dreams!! and most importantly you destroyed our friendship!" i yelled packing up the face painting stuff.

"I'm going to make it up to you!"

"Heck i dont care if you do or not! Now i'm leaving" i huffed.

"Wait Zayla..!" he said grabbing my arm.

Okay now i'm in shock and confusion. If he liked me then why did he sabotage the girls and my dream.

"What?! If you like me? Why did you-" i was cutted off by his lips pressed against mine. It was sweet. Damn! Why do i give in so easily..

"So do you think you could give us a second chance?" he said staring completely at me.

"Fine but wait what do you mean us?" i asked confused.

"Me and The boys" he said pointing to them. They waved at me.

"One last chance" i said.

"Yay!! Then come on!" he said dragging me to their truck with the others. As we went in the car i was bombarded by them talking.

"We're very sorry Zayla!" they said in unison.

"I forgive you but one chance!" i pointed out.

"But now what do you want?" i asked confused.

"Do you know where the other girls are?" Niall begged. Aw..i know the matter of fact he had a crush on Nia eversince.

"Well..i know Lianna is in London living with her cousin and she got a job at a toy store saving money for college, then Harriet and Elouise are in Cheshire working at Harriets mother bakery" i said.

"What about Nia?" Niall asked.

"Well her i dont know...She didnt tell us" i said rubbing my neck

"Well do you have her number?" he asked.

"I do but i tried texting her but it failed" i said dully.

Niall then went to a sad and bad mood.

"Its okay Nialler! We'll find her" Zayn said patting his back.

"Okay well we know where the others are so Zayla pack a few of your clothes cause you are staying with us" Louis said.

I gulped. How are the girls going to forgive them? Its easy with Lianna and i but Harriet, Elouise and Nia thats a lot of convincing to do.

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