Chapter 24

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Harriet P.O.V

"Harriet wake up and put some clothes on!! We're gonna be late for work!!" Elouise yelled.

"Noo!! I wanna sleep!!" i said grabbing the duvet over my face.

"Harriet!!" Elouise yelled. Then there was a knock on the door. My mom has already gone for work early who could it be?

"Go get Elouise!" i shooed her.

"Fine!" she huffed. I sticked out my tounge at her. Just as i was about to get back to my beauty sleep, there was a slammed at the door.

I got up grabbed my t-shirt and shorts and put it on and head downstairs.

I didnt expect to see Elouise tied to a chair and duck tape at her mouth. Then i look at my left. Now i understand why..

"Louis! Harry!! Get out of my home!" i yelled pointing to the door.

"No can do! We just want you to hear us out!" Harry said.

"Get Elouise out of the chair!! Now!!" i screamed.

"Woah whats with the yelling? Harry! Louis!! The hell you're doing?" a familiar voice yelled.

"Sorry.. she was going to hit me with a feather duster?" Louis said.

"Untie her" the figure came out.

"Lianna!!" i yelled.

As the open the duck tape of Elouis face.

"Zayla!!" Elouise yelled.

We ran over to them and bear hugged each other.

"What are you doing with these idiots?" i scoffed.

"These idiots are trying to help" Harry respond.

"Help? With what?" Elouise crossed her arms.

"We're gonna help you guys be in a band again" Zayn said.

Me and Elouise looked at each other then raised an eyebrow at Lianna and Zayla.

"The people who destroy our singing career wants to help us?" Elouise remarked.

"I dont know they said they'd help us so we gave them a second chance" Lianna said.

"Yeah my dream isnt over yet! I wont give up!" Zayla siad.

"Fine! We're giving you a second chance! But if you do something stupid way in hell i'll forgive ya! Got it?" Elouise threatened.

"Yes ma'am!" the boys saluted.

"So...what now?" i asked.

"Well we were planning on staying here untill we know where Nia is.." Niall said. Aw..he looked sad when he mentioned Nia.

"Nia? I saw her in telly yesterday.." Elouise said.

"And?!" we said in unison.

"Where is she?" Niall asked.

"Calm down.. she works at a diner in Mullingar and she's staying with her grandmother!" she said.

"I'll go book the tickets!" Liam said grabbing his phone.

Then we all shrugged and went to watch some telly. They had re-runs of the X-factor. I couldnt bare to see it again.

I quickly shut the tv off. With that reminds me!

"Hey.. did you guys like the video?" i asked the boys.

"Yeah it was amazing!" Harry smiled.

We were just staring at each other until i heard bickering of the carrot king and queen.

"Those are my carrots!" Elouise yelled.

"No they're mine!" Louis yelled.

The basket of carrots were going back and fourth and we watched it. Zayla stood up grabbed the basket put it in the fridge.

"Fight later! Spend some time with each other!" Zayla yelled.

"Yeah.." they both huffed.

"Guys i got the tickets!" Liam announced.

"Great" the girls said.

I miss this. Being with my girls. Oh wait shoot!

"Elouise! We have work! Shit!! My moms going to kill me!!" i said sprinting to my room with El.

We dressed nicely, grabbed out aprons, fixed our hair and went back to the living room.

"Make yourself at home, we need to be heading out! Bye!" i said.

"Louis! Dont you dare take my carrots and touch Marvin! I'll slap you!" Elouise yelled.

We got into my car and sighed.

"Cant believe we're giving them a second chance.." elouise said.

"I know.." i huffed.

These boys better keep their promise or i'll kill them with my bare hands.

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