Chapter 11

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Elouise P.O.V

Today we'll be meeting some famous band for the groups so that we could practice our vocals with them.

We all had hoped we didnt get One Direction. Please! I begged you Simon! I'll give you all my carrots!! Well maybe not all of them..

Today's the day everyone saw our new look. I look at the girls and my outfit which made me sighed.

® I was wearing a flower printed skirt with a yellow blouse and yellow pumps.

® Harriet was wearing a black ruffle skirt with a pink tank top.

® Nia wore a blue sundress with a and blue strap sandals.

® Lianna wore a white t-shirt with a plaid skirt. ( She love plaid stuff)

® Zayla wore a white sundress with a black leather jacket. She even wore boots because she says it feels open.

All our hair was either straight or curled to perfection. With the help of Nia's curler wand and Lianna straighter wand of course!

We entered the room where we had to meet our guest mentors. Every pair of eyes were on us. There were girls whispering and compliment us and guys who were whistling which i though was inappropriate.

"Well i guess we did a good job then?" Zayla whispered.

We all nodded as we heard footsteps coming in.

Nia P.O.V

Wow! People look at us differently now! Good! I would not to be compared to One Direction again!

I did a good job at making these girls girly which was actually a bit impossible cause we hated girly.

As simon walked in we looked at him and smiled.

"Hello guys! How r u?"

We all mumbled a fine and thank you.

"Well you guys might want to guess who are your guest mentors?"

"Well they are--" Simon was cutted off by none other than--

"ONE DIRECTION" the guy in the stripes yelled as the others came walking in.

Everyone else clapped their hands while we just stood there in shock and in a depressed face.

We all understand why everyone compared them with us cause we look like the girl version of them and them as boy version as us.

"One Addiction are you not excited?" Simon asked crossing his arms.

We shook our heads slowly and look down.

"You girls changed your outfits! I like it! But girls your the first to practice with them!" Simon pointing to the boys.

We nodded our heads and walked out with the boys and headed to the music room.

There were two long couches so we girls sat in one and the boys sat at the other. We just sat there awkwardly until i think this is all stupid.

"Okay i know everyone thinks this is awkward but i'm here for my dream so... Hye my name Nia! Thats Harriet, Elouise, Lianna and Zayla!" i said pointing to each girl.

The sandy haired boy nudged the blonde one that looked like me to speak.

"Hey i'm Niall thats Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn!" He said as i memorized them.

"Okay are we going to practice or what?" i asked the girls.

"Yeah.." Harriet said finally looking up.

"I guess so.." Lianna said.

"Fine.." Zayla said crossing her arms.

Elouise was just staring at the the window tapping her fingers against the couch.

"Elouise..." i said.

"Fine! But if they sue us.. I'm not getting involved!" she said raising her arms in the air.

As she said all of us including the boys look at each other. We instantly became wide eyed on how we look so alike. Then a pigeon came and stood on the window sill that lost our focus.


"MARVIN" Elouise and that Louis guy screamed.

They both look at each other. If looks could kill they both would die right now.

"Its Kevin!"

"No Marvin!"

They bicker and nag about weither its Kevin or Marvin.

"Shut up both of you!" Lianna and Liam yelled together again awkward.

"Guys stop fighting and lets just practice!" i said as i grabbed my guitar from my guitar case.

We all sat in a circle as i was in between Elouise and Louis.

"So what song are you guys planning to sing?" Harry asked.

"Um..dont exactly know yet.." Harriet started off.

"Ooh i know lets sing Next To You!" Lianna said.

"Okay.. um can you tell us if we made mistakes?" i said looking at them.

I strummed the guitar as Harriet sang the first verse. And we continued till we finished the song.

"Girls that was great but the song didnt do your justice!" Liam said rubbing his chin.

"Than what did?" Harriet said.

"What about you sing one of our songs?" Niall said.

"Well.. lets try.. umm... More Than This!" i said.

So we sang the parts and was waiting for the boys respnse.

"Eh.. that was okay" Louis said but you can hear his sarcasm.

We girls just smiled but Elouise went outraged which i have never seen her like that before.

"Theres sarcasm at your mouth there!! See these boys are just as i thought selfish and ignorant! I bet they are just going to get rid of us!" She said crossing her arms.

"Elouise their our guest mentors we havr to listen to them!" Lianna pointed out.

"Puh-lease i know people only like us cause we act and look like them!" she snapped.

I couldnt help but feel my eyes watery. Was it true?! People only like us cause we are almost like them?!

"See you made Nia cry! Are you okay Ni?" Zayla said patting my back.

"I'm fine! Lets just practice with or without them!" i said walking out.

Zayla P.O.V

"See you made her upset!!" i said raising my hands in the air.

"And you boys dont act like you dont know why this is about!" i spatted out and stormed off.

Lianna P.O.V

As the other girls left which meant i was left with these boys. I turned to them.

"This is why we never want to meet you!" i said grabbing Nia's guitar.

"What you're blaming us?!" Liam said.

"Maybe... look if your fans havent been giving us hate.. we would never been like this!" i said.

"Dont you dare put our fans into this! You girls were the one that copied us!!" Harry continued.

I was shocked and stunned! How dare he say that?! We have been in a band since highschool! They have only been in a band for a year!!

"You know what?! Elouise was right! Your just a bunch of ignorant people!" i said walking out the door.

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