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His father glanced at him before leaving for work, that was noticed by his mother as well and knowing what's coming next, he cowered inwardly. She encouraged him to go to the factory with his father and he agreed without any argument, like always.

He did not hate this place, the mill. He hated how it always made him feel powerless and flawed. He was not made for this place, the hustle and the pressure in the air always felt suffocating, even as a kid, he thought he would grow out of this, but that never happened.

As always, all eyes fell on the owner, his father and then lingered towards him as he followed behind. One look from his father and everyone returned their attention to their work, all but one's eyes stayed on him a little longer.

He met those eyes and he felt fortunate enough to encounter that particular small smile and the only reason he willingly wanted to come here- Nile. Iresh returned a smile genuinely before turning away to follow his father as a sack was put on Nile's back for him to carry.

Iresh remembered the first time he saw Nile in this exact place, an year ago when he was new to this work and Iresh happened to be there on that day;
His sourness about being in the mill dissolved, as soon as his eyes rested on the Boy in front of his father. By the very first look, he could pick out plenty of things that were admirable about the boy- His tall build and his visibly brutal honesty- when he admitted in front of the owner, without any hesitation that he had no experience in this job, but he swore to work hard.

And if not Iresh's obvious unblinking eyes, then perhaps it was Iresh's parted lips that gave him away. He stiffened and looked away when Nile stared back at him, coldly.

Now Nile came under the Owner's most trusted workers. If Iresh had half of the qualities that Nile had, he could probably see himself in a better light.

Iresh gets easily distracted by anything that is not a business conversation his father is having with his worker or anything that will dwell him into self pity. Like Iresh was currently distracted by a caterpillar crawling near his foot.

"... to the back of the factory?" Iresh looked up at the source of the question that he did not heard properly.

"Huh?" He questioned which came out as nothing more than a harsh whisper. The word, 'startled' was not enough to explain what Iresh felt when he found Nile standing, rather close to him.

He found his father was nowhere in sight or anyone at the moment, but not for long and Nile was unquestionably aware of that as well and so, he hurriedly repeated, "Can you meet me behind the mill, right now?"

Not trusting his voice, Iresh only nodded as an answer and watched Nile swiftly walk away like nothing happened.

Slowly, his thoughts accelerated and his brain picked up his leg when the footsteps of other people reached his ears. He ambled through the narrow lane and by the time he reached behind the mill with his unbalanced gait, Nile was already there.

The cluster of trees around were about to bloom new leaves, when they met here for the very first time and now those leaves sailed on the wave of wind before falling to the ground. From the first lick of summer to the last, it had been a long time since they met here.

That time, since Iresh was the one to bring Nile here, Iresh was forward and assured enough to hold his hands for the first time:
"Get away from me." He said, his dark eyebrows sloped downwards in a serious expression. "Out of all people, you should be aware of that! You know who you are, right? You know what I am... you can not just-" He retreated his hand that Iresh had reached out to hold.

Iresh felt his eyes blinking away the quiver of hope, "I am aware of that. But, do you think I care about what I am and what you are? I never did-"

"You should."

"I would not have started talking to you if I did." Iresh continued when Nile looked away, "You can reject me if you want and I would accept that. But, please not for the sake of your place or my place. I'm not above you in any way."

Iresh was aware how scary this was, this was significantly more terrifying, threatening for Nile than him. He knew he was being selfish by asking for this, utterly selfish. But, he wanted to stay close to someone who genuinely made him happy.

"You and I both know, that I never saw anything like that and if you think of me that way then I would take it as an insult, that I failed and let you feel that way." Iresh lowered his voice, "I shouldn't be asking this, but I can't help it."

He looked up sharply at the Boy when he took Iresh's hand into his own. Nile's eyes were on their intertwined hands as he shook his head before speaking, "What you want is not possible... no matter how much you seek it."

"Oh?" Iresh raised his brows and smiled. Pointing to himself, he said, "I'm well aware of that. It is pointless to seek for something impossible, but I'm content with whatever I can have."

Nile slowly brought his other hand over Iresh's hand and that was enough to make his nerves tingle at the harsh comfort of contact.

But, this time Iresh was asked to be here and he could feel that months old forwardness slipping through his sweat drenched hands.

"It's lunch break... clever to meet at this time, but do you not have to eat?" Iresh asked in his best casual voice as he leaned against the wall, beside Nile.

"I'm not planning to take much time." Nile said and Iresh nodded before Nile continued, "I owe you many apologies and I was hoping-"

"You chose to do this... here?" Bewildered, Iresh asked. "This area is busier than it used to be, you know that right? Out of all the other places-"

"I operate better under pressure!" Nile said, stepping in front of him.

"You- what?"

And to his surprise, Nile reached out and held his hands and leaned closer to him. It's been so long, he tried to convince himself that this shouldn't affect him like it did, because the speed that his heart is racing at is debilitating, chaotic.

"Let me-" and Iresh let him as he just watched when Nile stopped himself, Iresh only watched when Nile cradled his cheek before leaning down towards his lips and tentatively pressed his lips against Iresh's.

When Nile's hands slipped into his hair and tilted his head, it made him realize that this was not a dream, because it seemed like Iresh had become stagnant and forgotten how to breathe from the pressure against his lips.

With his lips slightly open this time, followed after Nile's lips when he started to pull away, his hands twisting in Nile's shirt as he held on tight. He felt Nile's lip twisting just slightly into a weak smile against his own as his thumb caressed over one of the white patches on his cheek, out of many.

Iresh sensed a reason behind this kiss, unlike the thoughtless kiss they shared the first time. Iresh could ask for the purpose, but his critical side seemingly shut down when Nile pulled him closer.

After that, giddiness remained constant, throughout the day with Iresh, replacing his restlessness. Sleep came over effortlessly for him.

A Wrinkled Tale: From Delta, To River. ✔Where stories live. Discover now