His Angel and Her Bunny (Edited)

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Part 1

In a small town, there was a house. In that house, a mother and her son lived in peace. The son had a friend who also lived in the house. His friend's name was Madi. She did not have a body or a name. The boy still liked to play with her.

However, there was a man the girl did not know that would hurt the boy and his mother. The boy would cry, and the girl would comfort him. This brought the girl and the boy closer.

After a lot of this, the house got quieter. The boy left the house a lot more and for longer. The girl felt lonely. She missed talking to the boy.

One day, she heard soft sniffles. She drifted down to the boy's room and sat next to him. "What's wong?" she asked. The boy cried, "D-daddy s-s-said he d-didn't w-want me." The girl gasped. " Daddies should never say that." The girl turned to him. " Your daddy is a butt." The boy looked at her with wide eyes. "Mommy said not to say that!"

"Only butts make peopwe cwy." The boy wiped his face with his scarred arms. "I guess you'we wight."

At that moment, his mother walked in. "Honey, what's wrong?" She asked. He shook his head. "Nothing." The mother smiled.

"The girl said," the boy exclaimed, "that daddy was a butt." The mom laughed. "He was a butt, wasn't he?" The mother embraced her child. "That's why," she whispered, "he's not your daddy anymore."

The girl smiled. She knew she had made a very good friend. But she knew that the boy had a hard life ahead of him.

Part 2
Boy in Dream

Over time, the boy has grown into a young man. He was very attractive, and had a fun personality. But, he stopped playing with the girl. His toys were placed back in the attic.

She tried to get his attention by moving things around. However, the boy would just blame his mom for moving it. This would start one of the many fights the boy had with his mother.

Suddenly, the boy started coming home at night acting... Different. He smelled sour, slurred his sentences, even called his mother names that the girl only had to hear to know they were bad. He would leave his mother in tears every day. One of those days, when the boy wasn't home, his mom sat on his bed and looked up at the girl's door, where the girl just happened to be. "Madi," she cried, "please make my son stop what he is doing. You've helped him so many times, so please help him now. You're my only-"

She laughed to herself. "Look at me. Asking an imaginary girl to-" She felt the bed shift. She slowly looked to her side. Next to her was the girl's bunny. The mother picked up the plush. "Thank you," she whispered.

The next day, the girl followed the boy to a dark building with neon lights all around it. There were loud sounds coming from it. She followed him inside.

The first thing she saw were monsters. They wore clothes that revealed most of their body. They had blood red eyes, and had a roar that made the girl's eyes water. She spied the boy again. He was sitting at a counter chugging a yellow-green liquid.

A drink the girl knew too well.

The girl flew out of the place. She couldn't let him become a monster. No matter what.

That night, the boy came home  stinky, clumsy, and rude. His mother was already asleep, so he didn't mess  with her. He collapsed onto the bed. Before he could fall asleep, the girl showed him something that she hoped would change his ways.

The boy was in his attic, but somehow it looked different. It wasn't as dust-filled as it usually was. "What is this?" he asked himself.

Suddenly, a girl scurried up the attic, carrying a bunny plushie. The boy's eyes widened. "M-Madi?" She didn't respond. He started towards her. "Madi, what's-"

"Don't hide from me!" A rough voice yelled. The boy turned to see a fat man wearing a food- stained shirt and boxers. What made the boy's eyes water was the beer bottle in the man's hand.

The man immediately went over to the girl and grabbed her neck. The man let out a cackle. "Scream for help! That'll be the last thing you ever do." The boy let out a sorrowful,


The boy shot up from his bed ,his eyes were overflowing with tears. He ran over to the bunny. "I'm sorry Madi," he cried, "I won't ever hurt you again."

Warm arms wrapped around him. "It's okay," the girl whispered, "but you stiww have one mowe person to apowogize to."

The next morning, the boy made a big apology speech. The mother embraced her child again. The girl smiled. Once again, her best friend was happy.

Part 3

The boy was leaving.

Ever since the day the girl changed him, the boy had been a much nicer person. He eventually found someone he loved. The girl was jealous, but happy.

Once in the attic, the boy sat down. He had a large gift bag with him. The girl watched curiously in the corner.

"Madi," he started, "I want to say thank you. You helped me through my father's abuse, and showed me why I shouldn't drink. You helped me become who I am now, and I'm grateful for that."

"I looked up the history of this house a few weeks ago. There was a murder here five years ago. The murder victim was you. Your name was Jocelyn Price. You're 11 years old. I hope this helps you move on to whatever the afterlife is. But, if you do stay, I got some stuff for you to remember me by."

Two warm arms wrapped around him. He hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you." He whispered. They pulled away. The boy saw the same girl that he met years ago. He rubbed a tear off her face. " I promise, I'll always try to be there for you, just like you were for me." She smiled. "Thank you."Then he left the attic for what would be a long time.

The girl looked inside the bag. There were lots of drawing tools, paper, and coloring books. However, there was something in there that brought tears to her eyes.

A stuffed rabbit.

She pulled it out. There was a tag on the rabbit's arm. What she saw made her hug the rabbit for the rest of the day. The boy wrote:

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. Thank you for showing my heart the right path.


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