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I sat down in front of the computer, holding my favorite plushie, Justin Beaver. Since I am a belieber, I decided to embrace the names he was called. And honor him in his death...

Yes. Justin Bieber is dead.

He got in a bad accident, and his car was found totaled in a ditch in Austin, Texas, 4 hours from here. Along with the car, they found his body scarred and broken. The beliebers were devestated. We cried, we fasted, some of us even tried to kill themselves. Justin was our last wall to the cruel lives we had, and it was gone.

I clutched my beaver harder. I could never forget what Justin did for me. He helped me through my first pimple, my first boyfriend, my first breakup. He was there for me even when my parents weren't, and I love him for that.

The livestream of the case started up. I took a deep breath. Here we go.

"Fox News reporting at the scene of the tragic accident. Behind me, is the scene of the accident. As you can see, his Ford was totaled in the crash. The other driver hit Justin's side of the car, pushing him into this narrow ditch."

Each detail broke my heart. Why did this have to happen to him? He may have stepped out of line at times, but he didn't deserve to be killed so cruelly. He had millions of fans screaming and crying his name, wishing this was just some cruel prank of his. However, we all knew this was rea-


I lookedback at the news. What happened? The news crew was walking towards the police. "Excuse me," the woman asked, "What is going on?" The policeman turned to the woman. His eyes were wide. "Th- t- the body..." The newswoman glanced back at the camera. "What about it?" The policeman took a breath before saying words that shook my world.

"The body is gone."

I jumped out of my seat. Oh my god, oh my God... Justin is still alive! My body was filled with complete happiness. My idol was still alive! I spun my beaver around the room. "He's alive, he's alive, he's-"

The doorbell rang. I stopped in my tracks. My house is in the middle of nowhere. Nobody ever comes around, except to deliver mail. I cautiously walked over to the door. This was one of those times where I wish I had a peep hole in my door. I glanced at the bat next to the door. I may have to use it today. I placed my hand on the door handle. Don't be scared. You can handle it. With that, I opened the door cautiously.

Outside was a bloody, bruised teenager that I recognized instantly. "Can I come in?" Justin Bieber asked. All I could do was stare. Then, I blacked out.


The shower was running.

I shot up. Someone's in the house. Someone's in my house. I grabbed my bat. I never thought I would have to do this. As I took the first step, the shower stopped. My heart stopped. Oh my god, I'm gonna die. I took another breath. Calm down, Caren, calm down...The door opened. I readied my bat. You got it. Take him dow-

"Um, what are you doing?"

I stared at the man in my house. He wore only a towel around his waist, exposing his tattoos. His muscles were bulging. And only when I saw his prominent jawline and beautiful hazel eyes did I realize who he was.

I dropped the bat immediately. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry... I didn't know you were here... I mean, I knew you were here but I didn't know it was-"

"It's fine," Justin said, smiling his signature smile. I had to resist the urge to scream. Justin Bieber was in my house! Not only that, but he was almost naked! And he spoke to me! And-

"Uh," Justin said, "Do you have a guest room or something?" I snapped out of my freakout. "O-oh yeah! It's down the hall." Justin nodded, then walked away. I walked into the kitchen and sat down, holding my head in my hands. He thinks I'm crazy. Why did I do that? Oh God, I'm such an idiot!

I sighed. Oh well. He'll probably want to leave as soon as possible. I might as well leave him alone. I walked into my room and pulled out my drawing pad. I've always loved drawing. I wasn't able to really pick it up until a few months ago. It makes the time go by, and it makes me forget everything, even for just a few minutes.

"You like to draw?" a voice asked. I looked up. Justin was wearing a blue polo with baggy black jeans. They were clothes that I knew too well. I looked back at my pad. "Yeah. Just for fun." I heard footsteps walk toward me. My body tensed when I felt the bed shift, and a warm body next to me. I took a breath, then started drawing again.

We sat there for what seemed to be hours. He watched closely as I sketched a small sunflower. Having him there made it difficult to keep my hands steady. I mean, it's Justin Bieber. Need I say more?

"You're good," Justin complimented. My cheeks burned. "Th-thanks." He smiled. I looked up at him. "By the way, aren't you supposed to be dead?" He nodded solemnly. "The airbag saved my life. I managed to crawl out of the car just before it blew up." He chuckled. "It's funny. All I could think about was that I didn't want my fans to see me like that. I know that I mean a lot to you guys. If you saw me dead, you guys would die with me. I couldn't let that happen."

I stared at him. He thinks about us fans more than I thought.

The doorbell rang again. Justin stood up. "That should be Scooter." Before leaving, he turned to me. "Want to come with?" My eyes widened. "M-m- me? But-"

"Please come with me," he pleaded. "You seem lonely. I hate seeing lonely beliebers." My heart fluttered as I nodded in excitement. He walked me to the car, thus starting the best and worst parts of our lives.

I really enjoyed this contest! I hope you enjoyed my entries! Thanks for taking the time to read them!

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