The Queen's Pop Star

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"And, new to our universal show, please welcome Collin Green!"

The crowd cheered loudly as the black haired, green eyed singer walked onto the stage. As was usual for him now, a teenage girl with white hair and violet eyes followed him. She sat down next to him, still holding his arm. The crowd awwed at her cuteness.

"So," the host started, "The infamous singer Collin Green! How does it feel to be the first to meet out new alien allies, the Rancari?" Collin shrugged. "It was fun! Their planet is incredibly colorful, and the residents are very friendly. Then, I met Alana."

He gestures to the girl next to him. She hid farther into Collins' shoulder, earning more awws from the crowd. "Who is this cutie?" the host asked. Collin glanced at her. "Her name's Alana." He took a breath, readying himself for the coming reaction. "She's," he started, "The new queen of Rancari."

Everyone gasped. How could such a small, shy girl be the queen of such a large planet? The host of the talk show asked the same question. Collin looked at the girl again. She looked up at him lovingly. He sighed. "I was sent to their planet to sing for the birth of their new queen. The nobles on their planet are born in a ceremony of colors and sounds. They liked my voice, so he current king asked me to sing. I had a good time, and the ceremony was amazing. Watching her pop out of the flower was amazing."

He smiled. "As soon as Alana saw me, she claimed me as hers. Even though we've only spent a few days together, we have a strong connection." The host laughed. "And how did she 'claim' you?" Collin started to move his collar to one side, but the small queen stopped him. In the cutest voice ever, she exclaimed, "Mine."

The crowd exploded in cheers and hollers. Alana jumped into Collin's lap, burying herself into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her lovingly. Seeing her fear, the crowd became silent. Collin cooed softly into the girl's ear. She relaxed in his arms. Once she was thoroughly calmed down, he looked back up at the host. "Sorry about that. She gets scared easily, being pretty much a baby and all. Do you have any more questions for me?" The host shook his head. "No, we've gone on long enough." With that, the host lead them off the stage.

Back at the hotel room, Collin lowered Alana onto her bed. She sat up slowly. "T-tired," she yawned. Collins chuckled. "I know sweetie. Go to bed. It's late." She made grabby hands towards me. "Cuddle!" The singer shook his head. "We can't. I still have work to do."

She groaned frustratedly. Collin had to hold in a chuckle as he watched the girl have a fit. She was just too cute to take seriously. The way her cheeks puffed out made him want to pinch her cheeks.

Alana finally gave up. She curled into a ball, her back facing Collin. The singer gave the girl a peck on the cheek. "Goodnight, my queen," he whispered. She purred softly at his touch.

After a few hours of songwriting and reading fanmail, Collin finally got to lay in his bed. He turned to face the girl. The beds were seperated, so he could not reach her. He sighed. How could he fall in love with a girl that looks like a ten year old, queen or not? He's been raised to know its wrong. But no matter what he thinks, he always melts at the sight of Alana's violet eyes. Her personality and beauty could not be matched, even at her age. Collin closed his eyes and slept, thinking of Alana's beauty.

Collin woke up to small kisses on his neck. He groaned tiredly. "Alana, what are you..." He tried to sit up, but the girl pushed him down. Out of nowhere, the girl kissed a sensitive spot in his neck. He jumped up. "Ala-"

Collin was met by dark violet eyes. Her face was slender and tan. Her white hair blended into the moonlight. Her plump lips curled into a smile. "You're awake."

Collin was speechless. This was not the little girl he fell in love with. However, he didn't have a problem with the woman before him.

"Alana," the singer whispered, "How did you..." She chuckled. "You didn't think I would just stay an innocent little girl, did you?" She caressed Collin's chest. "Even I have my 'needs'."

Collin scrambled out of the bed. "B-b-but we can't do this! Anything could happen! " Alana's sat up, staring solemnly at the floor. "I just want to be close to you." She sighed. "But it seems I have to wait a little longer."

Collin felt his lover's sadness. With the whole world wanting to see them, they hadn't had a lot of time to just be together, with nobody watching. Collin walked over to his love and embraced her. "Alana, I am so sorry. I'm just so us to this kind of lifestyle that it doesn't affect me anymore. I love you, Alana. I will always be with you." He pulled away, smiling at the girl he loved.

She smiled back. "I love you too. But, we will have to reproduce soon." He sat next to her. "What? Why?"She stood up. "I'm the queen. I have to bear children every Earth month or else Rancari will be unbalanced. The wildlife breed quite fast on my planet." Collin nodded. "Do Rancari children grow like we do?" She nodded. "For the most part. They are quite, shall you say, rowdy." Collin looked at her. "Rowdy?" Alana nodded. "If spitting acid and growing sharp claws is rowdy on Earth, then yes."

(Years Later, on Rancari)

Collin and Alana watched their ten children play in the backyard. The smaller ones tore at the stiff bark of age Karan tree, while the older ones sat on the soft blue grass and talked.

"These kids," Collin said, "Are more than rowdy." Alana chuckled. "My English was limited back then." Without warning, two of their children ran over and around them. Collin looked at his new family and could not think of what life was like without them.

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