In Hastinapura

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A half-hearted Devika walked ahead along with the maid she was sent with. The palace looked so different from that of her own Shivi or Dwaraka. There was no warmth of love, no welcoming vibes, no friendliness in the atmosphere. Despite of everyone's efforts, all the greetings and welcoming gestures appeared too cold to her.

As if the entire palace was lifeless!

"This way, Rajkumari!" The maid pointed to the path ahead, in downcast eyes.

Hiding a sigh within, Devika nodded at her. As she took a turn to follow the maid, something made her eyebrows met.

On her left side, there was a chamber whose door was closed and locked from outside. It looked like no one had opened this door since a long time.

"Rajkumari?" The maid called again.

"Dasi, whose chamber is this?" Devika looked at the maid.

"Cannot say, Rajkumari! I am new in Hastinapura. As Yuvarani's chief maid in Kashi, I have come here along with her only, after her wedding."

"Have you never seen this chamber open?" Devika asked, glancing at the door again. She did not know why that closed door was pulling her irresistibly.

"No, Rajkumari!" The maid replied, "Even during the wedding days of Yuvaraj, this particular chamber was not opened."

"Strange!" Devika remarked, "Did not anybody ask why?"

"I heard some old maids saying that this chamber is considered inauspicious. Opening this might cause misfortune to the Yuvaraj. Hence we are not allowed even to clean inside this room."

Inauspicious? Devika looked again at the door. This was the only place she was getting good vibes from, rather than the rest of the palace.

Why does everyone here feel exactly opposite to what I do?

"Rajkumari, may we proceed?" The maid interrupted, "Yuvarani is waiting for you."

Devika nodded, tearing her gaze forcibly away from the mysterious door.

Curiosity was high in her mind now. She had already decided to find out the hidden mystery of this room.

Finally, something to do in this idle, unwanted wedding ceremony!


"Why do I have to learn Raaj Dharma first, Taata?" Ghatotkacha's young eyes shone in curiosity and eagerness.

"Because Raaj Dharma is not just a lesson, Putra!" Yudhishthira explained with a smile, "It is a way of service to mankind. A responsibility that makes a ruler prioritize his subjects above everything else!"

"What should one do for that?"

"First, you need to realize that it is the king who is supposed to be a servant of his subjects, and not the other way round! A ruler who cannot come down to the level of commoners, cannot deserve to rule either."

Ghatotkacha listened with rapt attention.

"Remember, son, a king needs to sacrifice a lot for his people if needed. He should not be so attached to his personal favourites that it cannot be given away for human welfare!"

"Why so, Taata?"

"Putra, being a ruler is not easy. Have you ever thought what a huge responsibility Sun God fulfills everyday? He burns himself to bless the world with light. Because he himself takes the pain, we get enlightened. King is also like Sun, Ghatotkacha! He has to be strong enough to bear it all for the sake of others!"

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