Danger Awaits

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"Worry not, Pitamaha!" Yudhishthira smiled to assure the white-robed old patron of Kuru household. "We will be back soon at your feet!"

Bhishma suppressed a sigh, and blessed his grandchildren half-heartedly. He was still unable to convince himself.

Why did it feel like they should not go to Varanavata at this time? Why did he see bad omens since morning? Bhishma's affectionate heart searched for an answer.

"May Tridevas protect you everywhere, child!" He managed to utter.

The other Pandavas and Kunti too touched Bhishma's feet with reverence. All the elders including king Dhritarashtra blessed Pandavas happily. Yudhishthira felt good to see Dhritarashtra smiling so affectionately at him.

How dearly he craved to get his Jyeshtha Pita's love, yet how rare it was in his fate!

The chariots were waiting outside the large royal gate. As Pandavas moved towards them, Vidura's low yet concerned voice gave Yudhishthira a pause.

"Be alert, Vatsa!"

Surprised, the Yuvaraj turned to his uncle. Alert for what?

And even more surprisingly, why did he change his language?

It was not Sanskrit which was their mother tongue. Vidura had spoken in Mlechcha language which was mainly used by Yavanas and non Aryas. It was such a language which was unknown to royals. But Yudhishthira knew this, because Vidura himself taught him this language after his coronation.

"Remember, son, there is such a weapon which is not made of iron, but it can be used to harm human bodies!" Vidura continued in same low tone and same Mlechcha language, "be careful from such weapon used by your enemies!"

Yudhishthira got alert. Vidura was definitely trying to tell him something through this riddle! He needed to listen carefully to his well-wisher uncle!

What was it to which Vidura was indicating to? Could it be fire?



"What happened, sister?" Devika stopped seeing a villager woman begging at the street in front of Shiva temple. Her cloths were torn. Her face was pale in distress.

"Why are you in this condition?" She was concerned, "is everything fine in your family?"

"Rajkumari," she hesitated. How could a poor village housewife open up to the Princess of the land? Helplessly she bowed her head. Devika sensed her condition and wrapped her arms around her.

"Sister, pray, feel free to tell me! I promise I will do something!"

The concern and love in her voice was so genuine that the woman felt compelled to look up.

"Tell me, what happened?" Devika asked again.

"Rajkumari, our home..." She sobbed.

"Yes, what?"

"They have destroyed it!" She burst into tears.

"What!" Devika's jaws dropped. "Who did this and why?"

"I don't know, my Princess! I only saw the royal people came and ordered all of our locality to leave our homes! Our men have begged for their mercy but they didn't listen." Her voice chocked with tears. Devika took her in her arms.

"We have lost everything, Rajkumari!"

"Worry not, sister! I promise to give you justice!" Devika's determined voice declared. She knew she had to return home sooner to look into this matter.

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