A Shoulder to Cry On

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It's too much. Everything. Everything is just too much.

 Alex was on his way to law school with Cash, his bodyguard. Even though he has a huge exam in a few days all he could think about was the overdue work that needs to be done at his job with Ralph Luna. In his mind he knew he shouldn't be doing so many things at once. Henry sure seems to think so, no matter how much Alex tell him he doesn't need to worry. 

The car slowed to a stop infront of the brick building that could be better described as a school hidden withen a castle. The tall walls were covered with ivy, making it look almost magical. 

But it's not.

If it was magical he wouldn't feel like he was suffocating in it. Right now Henry was the only thing keeping him afloat, like a beautiful life boat. Alife  boat that could realize at any moment Alex wasn't good enough for him and leave. Deep down he knew Henry wouldn't leave him but that didn't stop him from worring. 

"Are you good?" Cash asked him. Although Alex never said it, having Cash around was one of the best things that had happened to him. His calming, ever present self seemed like the only thing that would never change or get to much in Alex's life. Besides for Henry, of course.

"Yeah," Alex said, sighing. He got out of the black car, and watched it drive away until it turned the corner.


Slaming the door behind him, Alex dropped his keys in the bowl by the door, and his bag on the ground, lacking the strength to even carry it to the table. His legs felt weak under the pressure of everything bearing down on him. Everything suddenly felt like too much, and like he wasn't doing enough. Here he was complaining about his work when he's rich, and supported by not only his family and friends but also probably half the world.

"Alex?" He heard Henry call. Henry walked out from their room, probably being able to sense something was wrong. He could never hide anything from Henry, no mat

"Hey, what's up?" He replied, trying to make his voice come out even. The look Henry gave him showed he had clearly failed. 

"Are...are you ok? I mean obviously you're not. Love, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Henry rambled clearly worried about him. As much as he wanted to make up some excuse, the look of pure love in Henry's eyes seemed to pull him back in and not want to leave. Henry would always love him, just like he would never stop loving Henry. Maybe, maybe Henry would understand what Alex was going through. 

Stumbling onto the couch, he could feel Henry sit down beside him, wrapping him inside his arms like a protective sheild. 

"I..." he tried. How could he tell Henry that besides for the fact that he was doing too many things he still felt like he wasn't doing enough. There would always be more people to help, and it didn't make it easier that they were working on a politcal issue at his job with minorities and kids who can't get an education equal to what others can. So even though he already was taking on too much he still couldn't get passed the fact that he couldn't help everyone.

"I'm not doing enough. But I'm so tired, all the time. And that's not fair for you, or my boss, or even my teacher at law school. But how can I just sit back while so many people have it worse than me and I can't help them? I just.." His voice broke, filled with emotion, "I just want to do as much good as possible." He looked up into henry's deep blue eyes, filled with concern. 

"And I feel like...it's only a matter of time until you realize I'm not good enough for you, anymore." He could feel a burning sensation behind his eyes as he tried to hold back all the tears. Everything was suddenly spilling out, his worries, his fears, the amount of work he still had to do, and how tired he felt.

"Love, you are enough. You always will be. You can only help others if you help yourself first. You need to concentrate on that exam you have coming up, and maybe work a little slower at your job." Henry wispered running his hand through Alex's messy hair. 

"I will always love you, ok?" Henry cuddled in closer, and the warmth of his body seeped into Alex, who was still cold from the outside air.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, you know that right?" Alex replied, as a smile spread over his face. 

Feeling the warm press of Henry's lips as they kissed his foread he wondered what amazing thing he did in a past life to deserve him.

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