the plane problem -part 1

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(Pov Alex)

Alex and Henry have tons of traditions.
Alex's favourite is that on the first friday of every month they travel somewhere (perks of being rich).
If he'd being honest, his goal is to travel the whole world with Henry and get to experience every place before they die, but he doesn't want to do it with anyone except Henry.

Today's the first friday of January, and they're about to leave for Canada. Henry had been wanting to try skiing and they figured that seemed like a good place to go. Besides, Alex's school didn't start for another week so they could stay there for a few days and make it a romantic weekend in the snow. 😏

"Almost ready babe? Cash is picking us up in like 10 minutes!" Alex yelled out from the kitchen. Having travel anxiety has its perks, as Alex had packed yesterday, and was totally ready to go. He rested his head on the cool wall as he sat on top of the kitchen counter, which had become a habit. 

"10 minutes? You make it too easy," Henry replied walking out of their room, "I only need three."

"Wait have you not even started packing?" Alex asked, panick starting to fill his voice. Even if he was packed knowing Henry wasn't was not helping him stay calm.

"It's a possibility, but like I said I need four minutes max." Henry soothed him calmingly. Resting his hand on Alex's thigh, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Alex's. Alex immediately kissed him back costing Henry's hair in his hands. Every time they kiss is like the first time, it makes his heart skip and he needs to remember to breath right. It's funny, but you never really think much about breathing. Until it's all you ever think about.
As Henry leaned away and rested his forehead against his, Alex took a shaky breath before opening his eyes.

"Four minutes on the clock." Alex said grinning. Henry, realizing what Alex was doing, sprinted back to their room and started throwing clothes out of drawers and into a suitcase.

"THREE!" Alex yelled, watching the clock.
It was moments like these that he knew it didn't matter what happened, eventually they would die, ceasing to exist, but in that moment they were infinite. Alex sat there, on his kitchen counter, realizing that it's not the big memories that are important, it's the little infinite moments that seem to last forever, but pass in a matter of seconds. What's important is the moments that seem like nothing could go wrong, the ones that you don't even realize are important because they're so small and yet those moments, they make up your life.

"How much time is left?" Henry yells at him as he skids past, using his socks to slid down the hall, saving him a good 3 seconds.
Grabbing his toothbrush he raced back to the bedroom.

"You have 15 more seconds, time to admit defeat!" Alex replied laughing.


"DONE!" Henry yelled sliding into the kitchen holding a suitcase. "See? Finished with plenty of time."

"Hey you only had like 3 more seconds." Alex grumbled as he jumped off the counter, grabbing his suitcase.

"Hmm I'm pretty sure it was six," Henry
said smirking.

"Shut up."

The sound of Henry's laugh filled Alex's ears, making it impossible for him to even pretend to be mad. It melted away any thoughts except pure happiness, like warm morning sun melting away the overnight winter frost.

Cash picked them up in the limo, and they drove to the airport, getting ready to take their flight, unknowing of the fact that this was about to be a very traumatic weekend.

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