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The bells rung before the student in Kwanghee High School screams like crazy. Yeah, because it's weekend time !

"Jinnja. these kids..." Taeyeon sighing.

"Yah ! you old !" Onew replied. Taeyeon gives him a death glare, make onew running away immediately from the class.

Sunny and Sooyoung laugh at Taeyeon, her death glare, make a goosebumps for everybody including the boys.

"Ahjumma glare." Sooyoung stated.

"So... It make Leeteuk oppa faint." Sunny nodd repeatedly by herself.

"Hey, what are you talking about ? I'm not that charismatic. Kekeke~ " Taeyeon smirk.

"We are not admiring you, please !" Sooyoung replied.

"Don't be so mean, youngie! Keke~ Yaa... don't you want to go home ? It's already like a funeral here." Taeyeon said.

"I am scareed~ " Sunny said jokingly while pouting her lips.

"Ish, So disgusting. Go to your fiance !" Sooyoung knock her head.

"Anio ! We are going home together..." Taeyeon interupt.

"I like it !" Sunny hug Taeyeon.

They are walking out from the class. Sooyoung make a cue with her lips to Taeyeon, but she can't hide it from Sunny. Sunny looks around, and seeing her Fiance, kyuhyun. He is holding hand with a girl. Sooyoung make a regret looks.

"Waeyo ? Don't make an annoying face." Sunny smiles like nothing happened.

Sooyoung looks at her sadly.

"Okay. Let's have a biiiiiiig waffle !" Taeyeon claps her palm. Sooyoung's expression quickly changes brighter after she heard the food thing.

When they are clapping, Leeteuk come near to them. "Annyeong." He said.

"Annyeong, oppa." Sooyoung and Sunny bow.

"Chagi...!!" Taeyeon link her arm to Leeteuk's.

"Do you miss me that much ? Kekeke~ " Leeteuk stroke Taeyeon's hair. Taeyeon blush and punch Leeteuk's chest.

"Aigoo aigoo, this couple." Sooyoung cuts their activities.

"So dramatic, huh ?" Sunny add.

The happy couple looks at them, smiling innocently. Sooyoung just want to punch them.

"Oppa, do you wanna join us to the caffe ?" Taeyeon said.

"right now ? I'd love to, but i have to go with Kyuhyun and Sunye. mianhae."

"Mwoya? Sunye?" Taeyeon make her glare.


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