Broken !

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"Aigoo. My eyes. I am so sleepy !" Sunny yawn as she throw her bags on the table.

"What were you doing last night, Sunny~aa ?" Taeyeon asked curiously.

"I learn about chemistry. My grade is not good enough at the exam before." Sunny answered.

"Haha. i wish i could pass this without an anger or i'm gonna kill your paper or you can call it, 'let me look at yours'." Sooyoung said innocently.

"Aish, I am sick of it. Neo micheosseo, Sooyoungie ! hahaha." Sunny punch her head while laughing out loud.

"Be calm, girls ! it's just chemistry ! not a limited gucci bag or something." Taeyeon said calmly.

"Aish, these girls ! Sunny~aa . Don't hear them, Jinjja !" Onew said.

"Ish, shut up you, dumb !  Yeah, it's easy for you, Taeng. But when it's english subject, You'll be dead sooner. Huahahaha." Sooyoung tease Taeyeon, make her blushing. Sunny just stay quiet, because Ahjumma Taeng will be frightened than Anaconda.

"YAAAA ! Sooyoung-ah ! You DEAD !!! come here, bone-walking girl !!!" Taeyeon yelled at the class. Sooyoung run away fastly with her long leg. Besides, Sunny and Onew tiptoed to canteen before Taeyeon realize it.


"Say 'aaaaa', Kyuhyun..." 


"Aigoo, manhi meokgo." Sunye said happily.

"Neee. I will. Gomapta, jagi." Kyuhyun said.

Sunny looks at them. She just stand quietly while seeing them.

"Sunny~aa. I wanna buy hamburger and french fries. Nyummy." Onew said all of sudden. Sunny pull him to sit.

"Buy me an orange juice. ppalliwa."

"Eyy~ arraseo, since you are my good friend."


thanks god, i'm bringing my novel and it's thick. a bit. 

Onew just talking, but i just can't hear him very well. I am reading ! but, he is still talking and tell me about a ghost story. i can't take my eyes from the 'damn guy' or you can call him... my fiance. Yeah, he is sooo smart. He knows how to make me flying and falling at the same time. Look at him, How happy he is ! His cheek is being kissed by Sunye. Good job, Cho Kyuhyun ! Brilliant, Yippie !

"Sunny~aa. Are you listening to me ?" Onew said.

"this rascal boy !!" i yelled.

"Mwo ? what's my fault ?" Onew asked confusedly.

"Ani. ani. Onew, i feel dizzy."

"Shall we go to the class now ?"

"Yes, please."

"As you wish."


"I promise to teach you, Sunny~aa. Of course i will keep my word."

"Ne, piggy. Can we go now ?" Sunny said to Yeoseob.

"What makes you in a hurry ?"

"Anieyo. Kajja !!"She pulled him to ride his motorcycle.

"Yah, Sunny !!!!" Kyuhyun yelled.

"Sunny !!!" Kyuhyun yelled again. But Sunny just ignores him.

"You are not lucky, hyung." Onew said while smiling.

"yeah, because he hasn't done his promise. it's a KARMA." Sooyoung added while walking with onew. She is going to go home with Onew.

"It's not like that, saengie." Kyuhyun said.

"bwo ? Saengie ? Who's your dongsaeng ?" Sooyoung said with annoying tone.

"okay. i will keep the information in my mind. Bye !"

"Ya ! chakkaman, kyuhyun oppa. Onew, i will go home with my oppa."

"Okay. Annyeong." Onew said while leaving.


@Kyuhyun's car

"There is a girl... she is so sexy, charming, feminime. She is interested in Eunhyuk hyung. I can't imagine that." Kyuhyun said while shaking his head.

"Ya ! don't kidding me !" 

"Aish. Her nick name is Uee. I don't really know her, but i wish i can do...."

"YAAA ! i'll tell it to Sunny."

"So noisy !"

"mian." Sooyoung said.

"She is a captain of cheerleaders in his school. Eunhyuk hyung is blind before, but i think his sight is a bit better. He response her call and even her message on his phone. Thanks god, He is normal !" Kyuhyun said. Sooyoung just stay quiet, Kyuhyun doesn't know that her eyes is already watered.

"Does he like her ?" Sooyoung said with vibration mode.

"Molla. But, they will be dating on saturday night. Dinner. Romantic, huh ?"

"Hiks...i know."

"Soo..sooyoung ?"

"I am not as pretty as her. i must be forgotten by him. Hiks...but, i just..i just..."

"Uljimma. Yaah, saengie. He loves you."

"It's my house. thanks, Kyuhyun oppa." 

"Aish. ottokhae ? baboya, kyuhyun. Sunny~aa, where are you ? i need you.." He felt regret after seeing Sooyoung cries. He has never thought that Sooyoung will be that sad.

He is calling Sunny's number.

"the number you're calling is not active..."


How is Sunny's feeling ?

Will Sooyoung make Eunhyuk back to her or she just give up ?

Please comment, my readers and subcribers. I need your support to continue the next part. ^_^

My Girl , My BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon