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A/N : So , in this OS, the pandemic is over, there is a vaccine and everything is back to normal.

The team is currently in the flight back to mumbai where they were going to meet their new niece. Everybody was obviously excited and seemed to be almost vibrating with happiness.
They landed in Mumbai after a very long flight but their mood was not dampened. They met Mahi Bhai at the airpot with Sakshi Bhabi and Ziva. All their wives and kids were already waiting for them to get a move on so they could reach Virat's place.

At Virat's place,
Everybody is super excited and happy and just really waiting to see Viratee.
When Anu opened the door and ushered everyone inside, the kids went off to the garden, the ladies went after the kids, Anu tagged along saying, "Bhaiyas, Vi is upstairs," knowing their husbands want to see the baby first.

After opening the door, they saw Vi with ABD and Dev in a video call.
The entire ICT seems to be like a train with smoke coming out of their ears. Little Viratee was holding Vi's hand and they were all cooing at her.

This was absolutely unacceptable to the ICT.
Bolded parts are their thoughts.

Rohit: Meri Sauten!!!Why is he here? How dare he meet Viratee before me? Vi could not have done this to me.

Mahi Bhai: This Biscotti again!!😤😤 He is not his Biscotti but my Cheeku. Why does he get to meet my Cheeku's kid before me? This is not fair. I will call Dada to complain in the evening.

Jaddu: Mera Veerat can not betray me like this. I am his bestie and favourite pranking partner since we were in the U-19 team.😢

Manish: What is happening? Why is he clinging to Vi so much? U play together once a year for IPL and I have been playing with him for so long before u even came along.

Jinks: Vi, Why is he here? 😤😤😤😤. Like seriously, u play once a year for IPL and are So clingy. I play for 9-10 months with him, how clingy should I be? 😡😡

Bhuvi: Why is he here? The calming presence of his life? Meh, Ash aur Jinks kya mango heh? Mahi Bhai is the only person he cannot play without. Stop hogging him. 😑😠😠😠😠

Ash: Why? Why? Why? I do not want u. Why are u here? Why are u so clingy to him? 😤😤😤😤
Like seriously, mera biscotti. He is our Cheeku, Vi or Veerat. She is our goddaughter. 😫😫😫

Rahul: Okay, Vi had made a promise to make sure I saw him first. Okay, kinda upset with that. 😤😤😤😤
Viratee looks so cute holding Virat's hand. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Harry: WHY IS DEV HERE??????!!!!!🤯🤯🤯
Are we not enough?😢😢😢

Jassi: Viratee is so cute. She got Anu Bhabi's looks aur Virat Bhaiya's cuteness. She is going to be breaking hearts.💔

Kuldeep: Again? 😤😤? How come he gets to see Viratee. Not fair. I am definitely stealing Vi Bhaiya's phone and keeping it away. Already, imagining what he could do to make sure all the attention was on Viratee and them.

Sheryas: Okay, again? 😠😠😠Virat Bhaiya needs to spend some time with us. These elder brothers needed to be reminded that they have some people called younger brothers.

Rishab: Let him go!!! We want to be praised and pampered by our brother. Wasn't IPL long enough for u people to cling to our Vi Bhaiya? Dev, stay away!!! 😤😤😤

Yuzi: Viratee looks so cute. AB and Dev are also here. 🥰🥰
Why is Vi bhai not giving us attention? I mean, I kinda want some attention. It has been so long I did a Chahal TV episode with Vi Bhai. At least, we know what Vi Bhaiya will be doing tomorrow evening. 😁😁

Virat looks at them and grins like a Cheshire cat, 😄😄😄😄😁😁😁😁
He says to AB and Dev: "Talk to u later."   They reply, " Bye Biscotti and Vi Bhai," respectively.

Vi: "Come guys, hold her. Like I said u guys are the 1st to see her in person. Even Anu and my families are coming later. Though we have sent them pictures to them. Anu sent some more to her industry friends and we all talked on calls with everybody but seeing her in person, well u are the 1st people to see her."

They all start grinning cause it does not matter if others have seen her in video or pictures. They are the 1st in person.
Mahi Bhai walks and takes the child in his arms. Smiling at her, he saw the resemblance between Cheeku and Anu. He could see mischief in her eyes. Yep, she was surely going to be like Cheeku.

Rohit followed him and said: "Bhai, mujhe do na?" (A/N: Bhai, give me no?). Mahi placed her in his arms.
Ro: Hi, our little princess, welcome to this world. We're going to make sure u do not become like ur father, hating my sleep and loving gymming and dieting.
Everybody laughs heartily, hearing this cause this was so like Ro.
Vi: "Stop corrupting my daughter!" All the while smiling like an idiot. 😁😁😁

Vi takes her and puts her in Rahuliya's arms.
Vi: "See, baby, this is ur scowliya chachu."
Rahuliya who was smiling at her, started scowling hearing this. 😒😒
Others laughed hearing Vi's words and at Rahuliya's face. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jinks, Ash, Bhuvi, Jaddu, Manish all took her one by one. They all saw how beautiful she was and they all made a promise in their mind that she will also be well-protected.
Mayank, Sheryas, Kuldeep, Yuzi, Harry, Rishu and Jassi held her next respectively. They all had a warm feeling in their hearts ♥️ because they were the one of the 1st people to see her in person, to hold her while she looks at u like u hold the answers to all the mysteries in life, 🥰🥰🥰😍😍.

Cause the ICT family can be jealous and annoying, but they will always and foremost be brothers and family. Their brotherhood was something people gave examples of. They were going to be together, overcoming all hurdles. Always.

A/N : Tell me how it was. I hope u all liked it. Thanks for taking the time to read my story.
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