Star - Crossed Lovers

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3rd of May, 2008. A day I shall forever remember. It is a kind of bittersweet day for me. I experienced some joyous memories. However as the years went by, that day became a day of sorrow. I went closer to that photo album sitting innocently on my study table. I should not open it. It was full of heart ache for me but still, I did it. As I flipped thorough the photo album, I couldn't stop the memories from flooding back and the tears from filling my eyes.

3rd of May, 2008. The first season of IPL. Royal Challengers Bangalore vs Deccan Chargers. The match was held at the Chinnaswamy Stadium. I had gone to Bangalore for a wedding. It was a friend's wedding.

Some of us friends had bought these tickets for our friend as a bachelorette party before her wedding. For some of us, it was our first match at the stadium. All of us were super excited. The match was exciting. And RCB won by 3 runs. Since all of us were supporting RCB, we were all super happy and were jumping around when my hand punched someone. I turned around and our eyes met. His eyes full of amusement and my eyes were full of horror.

It was a funny moment. I said, "I am so sorry." He replied, "It is fine."
An awkward silence prevailed among us. I offered to buy him lunch. He agreed.
Alina, Tani and Ansh Bhai went with us to a nearby cafe for food. He and I sat separately because the cafe couldn't provide a 5 person table for us.

"I am Rahul." He said. I told him my name. After lunch was over, we ordered coffee and kept on talking. We were laughing and having fun. Suddenly, a waiter came up to us and said, "We are closed for the day. You guys can come tomorrow."
I looked at the clock. It was 8.00 pm. We laughed. When did the time go? There was no awkwardness, nothing. It felt like we knew each other for ages.

He asked me how long was I was in Bangalore for? I said for a week. He asked whether he could show me around. I said, why not?

We roamed the city, talking about anything and everything. He talked about his bestie, Mayank, his family, his desire to play cricket. I told him about my family, my dreams, my desire. We could sit in pleasant silence as we often sat at the NITK beach. Or we could talk for hours as we walked through the city. It was so perfect to me.

The week ended and I had to leave for Bangladesh. He met me one last time and asked my number but I did not have a phone. I gave him my social media handles and a post box number to write letters to me.
I turned to leave when he held my hand and asked me whether I could also feel the connection between us.
He said, "I feel this bond between us. I don't know whether you feel this as well. If u do, will you be my girlfriend?"

"How can I say yes? We are from different countries and religion. How will we even manage our differences?"

Rahul's dialogue:
"So what?! Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik are from different countries. SRK and Gauri are from different religions. If these people can live happily, then why can we not??"

He was so convincing, so sincere. I said, "Yes."
I left for Bangladesh with a boyfriend and very content.

Long distance relationships are tough. We wrote to each other at least thrice a week. My friends who did know were hesitant that he was a good guy. They thought he could he cheating on me. But I listened to my heart and what my gut was telling me. When I got a phone in my A levels, it was easier to communicate with him. I even started talking with his besties who were more than happy to tease him by calling me Bhabi.

In 2010, I went to UK at Cambridge University for aerospace engineering. It was a 3 year course and I was going to attend flight school at the same time.

The time difference was even worse but we were determined for this to work.In 2011, Mayank introduced me to his girlfriend, Aashita Sood. Aashita and I soon became great friends.We cheered together for Mayank and Rahul at the IPL from UK.

I celebrated his accomplishments like they were mine and supported him through it all. I cried with him when he scored his century in Sydney. I screamed with joy for him. When he scored low at his debut test match, I encouraged him. I stayed on call with him for hours.

When I graduated, I joined the Bangladesh Air Force. I told him about it, excepting him to be happy like I had been for his every achievement.
However, he got angry and said how can I take such a decision without even asking him??
He said that even though the end decision was mine, he would like to be asked. He felt he had no importance in my life.

I was too full of righteous anger at that time to realize he was scared for me. He did not want to lose me. He couldn't explain how he felt and unfortunately we broke apart.

It has been 4 years since that fight. Since we broke up. It was 2019 now. He is dating Athiya Shetty, an actress. I am still single because he is all I wanted. He was perfect and no matter who I met over the years at the insistence of my friends, I compared them to Rahul.

I am working for my country as a group captain. He is a famous cricketer. However, to this day, I love him.

Maybe one day, we might get back together, might even marry each other. Adopt those kids we thought of . For now, we are apart.
That does not stop me from praying for him, his victories, his success. I still fast on his match days like I did when I was his girlfriend. He is still in my heart ♥️♥️ and might never leave. I hope that one day, we will be together again.

The entire song is a ten but this part >>>>🧡🧡

So this is an OS on KL Rahul.  I really hope that you all will love this. 
Your Author. 

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