HulRat: Virat Ka Moi

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In Virat's house,
KL: Bhaiya, you know I want to have ice cream 🍦. Come on, let's go.
Virat: No way! You had like 3 bowls yesterday.
Rahul pouting. ☹️☹️🥺

A doorbell rings. Virat goes to answer it. 

Karan and Saif and Kareena enters the house. 

Karan: How are you, Anushka? We thought to come and meet your baby and bring some gifts for your daughter as well. 

They went upstairs to meet Vamika. 

Anushka takes them upstairs.
Kareena: *thoughts* She is so beautiful! May nobody ever hurt you. I am going to spoil you so so much.
Anu: Planning on how to spoil her? Get in a line! Rahul, Rohit, Jinks, Harry, Mahi Bhai, Kul, Jassi, Ash, Prethi, Aashita, Priyanka,Nick, Ranbir, Deepika, Ranveer and so many others are wanting to spoil her. Kareena: 😜😜😛😛

Karan said: Let's go to the mall and buy some more stuff for Anushka as the new mother. 

Anushka was grateful and said: Let us go now, Mummy and Ma are here as well as Chetna Bhabi, so we can go and have some fun.   

KL: Let me go with you.
Virat: No way! If you go, you are going to have ice cream. I will also join.
Anushka: Sure, more people to carry our bags. 😝😝

Anushka, Karan, Kareena, Saif, Bhavana(Rahul's sister)  Virat and Rahul were in the car. 

Rahul: Virat Bhaiyaaa, please at least 1 bowl of ice cream.

Virat : Oh please! Yeah that 1 bowl will change into 2 and then 3. I know you very well. Now no more talks about having Ice cream.

Karan: Virat why are you stopping him from having some sweet sugary ice cream? And he is an adult, can he just not buy his own ice cream when you are not looking? He is not your kid. 

Virat: To answer your 1st question, this stupid person decided that Harry, Jassi, Mayank and him will go to a party without informing me or Rohit. They just informed Jaddu who did not bother to let either me or Rohit know. Plus, everybody knows that Dada implemented this rule if you go out to a party, you come back by 1am and 12am if you have drunk. Mahi Bhai also implemented this rule and so do I. But these GREAT PEOPLE thought that they will sneak in and nobody will be any wiser. I think they forgot that Rohit and I always stay up for the kids, well at least I do, 85% of the time he falls asleep. Also, I was Yuvi Paji's main pranking partner and Shikhi and Jaddu are my best friends. So, they could not have sneaked in. They did not know how much worry I went through. Also, he may not be mine biologically, he is still my 1st kid. 

They reached the Mall.

Kareena and Anushka directly rushed to the jewellery store to spoil themselves a bit. They went to various shops and 25 mins later, Virat left to take a call. Saif at that time bought 4 ice creams for sharing between him, Karan,Rahul and Bhavana. 

Rahul refused to eat the ice cream, apologizing to him for the trouble.

Saif: Were you not just asking Virat for the ice cream in the car? Finish it before he comes back.

Bhavan already giving the ice cream to a random child saying: Virat Bhaiya punished him not to have ice creams. He respects and fears Virat Bhaiya like his father. He wants Virat Bhaiya to buy him an ice cream after the punishment period is over. We joke that he will sneak an ice cream but we all know he will wait for Bhaiya to buy him an ice cream.

Saif and Karan and Bhavana ate their ice creams while window shopping as Rahul looked on longingly. After 30 mins, Anushka and Kareena came and they left for the dress section.

Rahul went near the mens' wear and found some matching father son shirts. He went to the store attendant and bought a son shirt for him and father shirts for Virat and his own father. 

They were soon ready to go home and were waiting for Virat  at the exit. 

Virat then appeared with some bags in one hand and a ice cream in another, a chocolate chip ice cream, to be specific, one of Rahul's favorites. 

Rahul's mouth looked to be watering as he looked at the ice cream, so delicious and close yet so bitter and far. He turned away his face so he does not have to see one of the others eat the ice cream or worse see his Virat Bhaiya eating the ice-cream himself. He felt someone touching his shoulder to get his attention. 

He turned to find his face full of ice-cream. 

Virat: This is for you, Rahuliya. You have been punished enough. I saw you refusing the ice cream from Saif. U do not have to, yet u always listen to me. This is a reward, Moi. 

Rahul:  Thank u, Virat Bhaiya. 

By the time, the group had reached the car, the ice cream was fully finished. 

Virat then gave a bag to Rahul. It was a sweatshirt that said no drinking. He then said to Anushka, 'chalo, I should go and finish the punishments for the others. You all go home." 

Rahul: Bhaiya, I will go with u, na? Pleaseee. i will be careful. I will keep my injured arm safe and sound. Promise, Kohlito bhai. 

Virat *melting at the kohlito* said: Okay, but that injury should not be aggravated. Come on. We will go and meet the other monkeys.  

They went to Jassi's place, knowing all the monkeys will be in one place only. 

They rang the doorbell and it was opened by Mayank. 

Mayu: Areh, bhaiya, app. Come in. 

The entire gang was in Jassi's living room, upset. They could only watch the news or any movies or shows on the cable. They were banned from playing video  games or watch anything on the streaming site. 

Virat: Areh. bacchas. I brought popcorn. Let us watch 83 on Netflix. Ur punishment is over. 

The boys and cheered and got ready to watch the match. 

Virat looked at everyone and smiled at this rowdy bunch he calls family. Vamika may be my first child biologically, they made me a father first. 

Hey Guys! I am back after a break because of my exams. A huge thanks to all the people who read the my stories and voted them. Please show this OS the same love!!

Your writer, noushin_0309 ❤❤

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