Chapter 1

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"And send her immediately, I have somewhere I have to be at twenty-two-hundred," Ren demanded through the comm unit.

"Right away, Sir," the voice on the other end replied.

Kylo Ren, second in line to the Supreme Leader of the First Order, slammed the comm unit down on the counter of his spacious refresher and wiped shaving lotion off his neck, disdaining the small spots of blood rising from the surface of his chin. While the service droids were capable of shaving him, like most things, he trusted few others to do things for him, even if it meant events turned out less than perfect.

"Frag," he whispered angrily, pressing his finger against the cuts to slow the bleeding. He considered his dark visage in the hologlass, ignoring the signs of sleep deprivation. Kylo Ren had other things on his mind; namely, the mission he was about to carry out on Lothal in his quest to retrieve the missing holocron needed to help decipher his most recent discovery.

The door to his quarters suddenly whispered quietly aside, revealing a slight, brown-haired young lady.

"Damn, that was quicker than I expected," he muttered, shrugging off his dressing robe to reveal his tightly muscled physique, lifting the garment up to the hook next to his sonic shower.

"I'll be just a moment, sit and wait for me," he commanded.

The young woman looked around the quarters, gawking at its splendor. The floor tiles, the wall panels, all of it evoked a sheen of Mustafarian basalt. It was luxuriously spacious though there were few furnishings in the room, and what there were spoke of minimalism. A bed, a desk and a chair, and little else.

"Take your clothes off," Ren demanded of her as he approached the bed, his already-naked form intimidating her.

"What?" she asked incredulously.

"Your clothes," he stressed, impatiently. "Take them off. I'm busy today, this has to be quick."

"But why would I need to-"

Ren strode quickly around the bed, grabbed her with his massive hands and began undressing her. She yelped in shock.

"You must be new," he grumbled, "this isn't Zeltros and I'm not always going to have time for the niceties. Understand?" he asked as he glared at her.

"But, Sir, I'm here for-"

"You're here for me!" he exclaimed, frustrated with her lack of compliance. He dragged her by the arm as she tripped out of her uniform pants and underwear and he shoved her face-first into the bed, bending her over as he buried his fingers in her hair, pressing her face into a pillow to quiet her. 'I'll have to talk to Qaderos about these amateurs he sends me,' Ren thought to himself, making a mental note to talk to the head whoremaster who managed the ship's concubines.

The dark knight used his unnatural abilities to overpower her struggles as he stroked himself to readiness. He hadn't far to go as her attempts to fight back were enough to arouse him. He liked his partners feisty and he wasn't opposed to actual combat in the bedroom as an aphrodisiac.

"That's it," he purred in her ear as he positioned himself at her wet entrance, "fight me all you like, it makes me harder." He could feel her level of fear spike at his taunt and a small squeal escaped her throat as she inhaled in terror. With that, he drove himself home in her tiny opening, her screams of pain and defiance muffled by the downy pillow. He rode her roughly as if he was trying to become one with her. "So tight," he sighed to her, enjoying the snug massage her womanhood was providing his swollen member. He'd arranged this tryst in anticipation of his time off-base where he'd have no access to sexual relations for several days. The stress he was experiencing needed a release before he left, and she was just the prescription for his ills.

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