Chapter 11

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It was early evening a few days later when Tana awoke to find Ren vomiting over the side of his cot. She was disappointed to find his stomach contents held more than the broth she'd been feeding him – there were signs of solid food, something he'd managed to sneak into his diet despite her warnings to him.

"I told you that you weren't ready, Commander," she chided him, bringing a wet cloth to clean his face while a servodroid scrubbed the floor next to her. He was sweaty and pale.

"I know," he huffed, "it was just bread for frag's sake, I'm so hungry."

It tore at her watching his physique becoming leaner as the days dragged by. He still didn't want to return to The Finalizer for whatever reason, so he was stuck on Lothal, his healing period taking longer than it should have. In the meantime, his intestines weren't yet prepared to digest anything more than liquid and Tana didn't have access to the normal nutritional supplements she would have back on the Star Destroyer where the medbay was.

"Let me see what I can do," she said, "but for tonight just sleep."

Ren was so tired and weak he didn't even argue with her, dropping off into a deep slumber.


The next morning, she brought a pan of water, towels, washcloth and soap as he awakened.

"Up, up!" she said cheerily as she saw his open eyes looking at her. "You're getting a bath today."

"At least let me relieve myself first," he complained as he leaned over the side of the bed using the container she'd provided him. At least this he was able to do mostly on his own. Everything else, he'd had to rely upon Tana for. As the wounds of his body lessened, the wounds to his masculine pride were mounting. He was fiercely independent, he had been since his parents had abandoned him to his uncle's 'care' at the Jedi temple. He had essentially done everything for himself from the time he was ten. He didn't need Tana to coddle him like this, injured or no, especially with there still being a level of distrust between the two of them. As much as he appreciated her caring for him, having her see him naked under these circumstances was uncomfortable to say the least.

"Ready?" she asked, holding a set of towels to lay under him as she washed him. "I know you're still feeling badly, but I wanted to get you cleaned up before you eat your breakfast."

"You're not going to feed me anything anyway," he griped. He sat up tentatively, letting her help him get undressed and then lying back on the cot where she could reach all of him easier.

"I have a surprise for you," she teased him, "It's not the best, but I'm giving you something more substantial this morning!"

"Oh, a feast," he replied with sarcasm as he flinched against the wet washcloth.

Tana tried to bathe him as gently as she could but she was trying to finish quickly, before the water cooled too much. As she came to his private area, she hesitated. She'd been cleaning him in this spot for this long, should she just go ahead and continue? Or should she let him do it for himself?

Ren could see she was uncertain so he made the decision for her as he took her hand in his and moved them both over his groin.

She balked at first, but gave in. He was semi-erect, which she knew on some level he couldn't help, but then he reached down and pulled the cloth from her fingers so that the soapy water was all that was between her hand and his manhood. He was now raging hard and she looked at him in surprise as she felt the size of it and truly saw it in all its glory for the first time.

His eyes closed in rapture as they continued stroking him together, until voices outside the tent made Tana jump and she quickly covered him with a towel.

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