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He stroked Joonie's cheek with the back of his hand,he took off the blanket and folded it to later store it back in the car trunk.

They finally arrived at their destination, a small cottage in the middle of nowhere that was just about three hours away from the loud city. It was hidden between big trees and little bushes that had forest berries on them.

The cottage had beige coloured walls and a dark brown slant roof.The walls were embraced with ivy and on the stairs,that lead to the front door entrance looked like they would squeak at the very small movement made on them.

Jimin took the time,when Joonie was still sleepy to open the front door and reshuffle all the baggage from the trunk to the hallway of the cottage.

As he opened the door,he felt a strong,not so pleasant smell. The smell felt stale and stuffy.

'Uff somebody here needs a good airing.' Jimin thought as he pushed first few bags on the squeaky wooden floor.He managed to find the living room and opened the windows. He then procceded to go back to the car and he repeated this until all the bags were seated in the tiny hall.

When he finally opened back door to where Joonie was sitting,he unbuckled the baby and gently lifted him up.Even though Joonie was not sleeping anymore,he was at least stil sleepy and the pathaway between the parked car and the cottage was muddy,so it was easier to carry him,rather than them both having muddy shoes.

Joonie had his head on his daddies shoulder and his hands wrapped losely around Jimin's neck.He lifted his head slightly.

"H-hi daddy." Joonie's smile grew large and his gaze wandered around the new enironment.

"Where are we d-daddy?" Joonie was a bit confused,but not terrified,he knew he was safe,because his daddy was by his side.

"We are at a small cottage in the forests babyboy,we are going to have a wonderful trip together,do you like it here hmm, honey?" Jimin asked.

He was curious as to if Namjoon did or did not like the atmosphere of this place.It had a bit of intimidating feeling,as it was quite old..it actually belonged to Jimin's great grandmother.

He loved to go here,when he was younger.It was his hideout,when Jimin's parents did not believe in him or support him and also when they cared more about their work than they did about him.

His great grandmother always said: "Jimin, before your nana leaves this world...make sure to find someone that cares about you,someone that makes you feel butterflies in your stomach and most important,someone that loves you with all the insecurities,that you are currently fighting. Just promise me that,dear." And Jimin promised,little did he know,that his nana would leave the world sooner than Jimin could comply her wishes,but he believed his nana was watching over him and seeing him here with that special someone a few years later.

"Yeeees I love it lots,b-but can you p-put me down p-pwease?" Joonie was a bit confused,Jimin has been holding him for a few minutes and he had his eyebrows furrowed.

Jimin sat him down on a small bench and quickly took Joonie's shoes off.He took his own shoes off just before coming inside,he sighed a bit and looked at all the bags and then back at Namjoon.

He got closer to him and squatted in front of him.

"Babyboy,do you think you could help daddy with all these bagies?" He raised his eyebrows at Joonie.Jimin definitely knew the answer,but still it was good asking Joonie,so that he did not completely loose speaking skills in little space.

"I-I will h-help y-you d-daddy do not w-worry." Joonie swiftly got up from the bench,went up to his few-centimeters smaller caregiver and straight up jumped on him from excitement. Joonie loved trips,although he did not have time for them,but now they were here and they could enjoy peacefullness of this environment and also Joonie saw a river near by from the crack between window and curtains.

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