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Back in the small forest cottage

Jimin and Joonie were laughing and giggling at each other when the Jimin's phone rang.


"Boss,we are done.Byeong-Ho will not bother us anymore."

"I am glad." Jimin answered and ended the short call.

"Now where did we end babyboy?" Jimin asked amused at the smaller boy that was now completely wrapped in a blanket while babbling to his plushie.

Joonie looked up,small saliva drop drooling down his chin and his big doe eyes interested at his daddy. His mind was foggy and he did not really know the answer to Jimin's question.

"Oh poor baby, don't you know that you promised your daddy a kisskiss?" Jimin raised an eyebrow,but kept his smile and got closer to Joonie.

"Now give daddy a kiss beautiful." Jimin got even closer to the point their noses were touching and pecked Joonie's lips tenderly.

"D-da." Joonie tried to say something to describe his emotions,but he was too small to say just the tiniest and shortest word.

"Shhh." Jimin placed his index finger against Joonie's soft lips and by this gesture let him know, that words do not need to be said.

Joonie tilted his head and jutted out his lips, waiting for his daddy to kiss him. Jimin did the same and connected their lips. It was a short, but thoughtful kiss and they both enjoyed.

"Now, when we figured this out, we need to unpack our luggage and then I will show you something special outdoors. Sounds good, hmm?" Jimin explained to Joonie. They got up and picked up whatever came in the way. Jimin organized their clothing into the large walk-in closet and Namjoon on the other side organized their hygiene products and put away his baby supplies.

Once done they both exited the room and Joonie happily jumped down the stairs.

"Be careful sweetheart, do not trip over your fe-" Jimin tried to explain, but soon enought it was late. Poor baby Joonie tripped over his foot and fell down the last two stairs. Luckily only last two.

Jimin quickly came down to him and looked at his partner with worry.

"Are you alright baby? I told you to be careful, omg next time hold my hand silly!" Jimin uttered in shock. Joon really was a clumsy baby that after all had to be taken care of.

"I am alright Jimin, just a little shaken. That's all." Namjoon, now out of little space said and with Jimin 's arms under his armpits, he got up.

Jimin realized, that Joonie falls out of little space everytime he gets frightened or upset and on the other side, sweet talk triggers him to fall back in. But Jimin knew Joon would not be little always and forever.. might as well give him some space out of it too.

"Alright if you say so, but let me just check it out." Joon somehow limped forward to the sofa and sat, or more like fell down on it.

Jimin took of Joon's sock and frowned at a small bruise already starting to show up. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed as he went to the kitchen to grab an acetate cream to put on Joonie's ankle. When he came back to the living room, he witnessed Joonie just sitting there and playing with the ruffles on the sofa covers. 'How cute'he thought to himself.

"Alright Joon, I will now put this acetate cream on, it will help make you feel better, it is a bit cold so want to hold my hand?" Jimin explained handing out his hand, but Joon shaked his head no.

He was afterall in big space now and indeed felt embarassed, because he just fell down the stairs.. and infront of his crush too! 

Jimin understood and proceeded to rub some on Joon's ankle and when finished, he wrapped around a stretchy bandaid.

"This bandaid will help your ankle not move and be in place, okay baby?" Jimin looked up. He made sure to be as gentle as he could and wanted to take Joon upstairs again.

"Can we still go to that special place you talked about earlier?" Namjoon asked hoping that he could somehow limp there with Jimin's help.

"Yes sure, just let me do a few push-ups first." 


"So that I am able to carry you that much." Jimin joked and looked at Joon, who had the tops of his ears red and cheeks puffed.

"Does that mean I am fat?" Namjoon got up from the couch. "I can walk by myself if it is a problem for you." And with crossed arms, he tried to limp towards the exit. To no luck, he soon enough fell back on the couch, panting.

Jimin crouched down to Joon's height. "Listen here precious, I can not explain how I feel when I hold you.. it is like holding a fragile teddy bear and it honestly fills me with sooo much joy and I can not tell you what I would give to hold you everyday till forever, okay? It was just a joke babyboy, I did not mean it." Jimin finished his monologue by licking his lips and coming closer to Joon's face and gave him a delicate kiss.

Namjoon smiled at his sweet words, it really warmed his heart. He felt thankful for having Jimin by his side in this journey of finding himself again. Not having to worry about anything was such an amazing experience for him as Joon had to stress his whole life about something, never truly resting.

"Now let's get ready!"


About 15 minutes later they were ready. Jimin put on Joon's shoes and a warm coat and did the same for himself. Now they were on their way to the special place. In reality it was just an old swing by the edge of the river close by. But for Jimin it was his special place. Nana used to take him there every sunday. They would have a filling lunch and always pack snacks to go. Once here, they sat on the bench next to the swing and talked while having snacks. 

Namjoon saw the swing and his eyes lit up. He was still in Jimin's arms, but wanted to be put down.

"Jimin it is okay, I can walk a few steps, I want to try the swing." Joon wiggled in Jimin's strong hold and so Jimin did put him down, although still holding him around waist.

Joonie sat on the swing and looked at the magnificent view. The river had a tiny waterfall right under a bridge and was fenced by random flowers and plants that did turn into weedery over time.

"Hey push me please!" And so Jimin did, he lightly pushed Joonie forward, took some steps backwards and waited for Joon to come to him and so on. After several minutes Jimin caught the ropes on the swing.

"Enough love, I want to tell you something now." Jimin whispered in Joon's ear. Namjoon got shivers already. "Earlier today when you fell, I realized some things. I need to cherish all of our moments together, I can not let this happen again.. although it was rather a small fall. Remember if you fall, I fall with you. I will never leave you." Jimin finished and Namjoon was speechless. 

"I love you Jimin. You are the definition of perfect to me and I want to thank you for caring like noone else did." Joon expressed himself too.. well it was about time to get it off his chest.

Jimin smiled brightly, picking Joon up in the air by waist and spinning him in the air. They both laughed out loud.

"S-stawp daddy! Joonie feel dizzy!" And just like that Joon became Joonie. 

"Welcome back baby. Let's sit on the bench now, shall we?"

"Yay sure!"


So hi everyone, I really do hope this chapter did not come out as speeded or rushed and that you enjoyed every word! Actually I was watching a valentine's day special for this one show about songs and thought I could make this more romantic 😅 Anyways I want to end the story in about three chapters, so I was curious if you would like a more angsty/sad ending or calm/cute one? Lmk bye bye! 🤍

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