Did I Pass The Test?

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The soup was deliious, and it warme my soul. It was sop good, but I was having some difficulty recognizing the ingredients. The chief eat then says- "you have thre minutez to figure lut the ifngredients or you will have ni protectio for your babys". the soup definitely had a potatoo baze, but everythiny elee blendedd togetherr too erll. I just decided it was baned pootato soup, so i just listed the ingredients user in baked pottato soup. I figuredf i would at sleast get 3/4 of the invredients correct. Ilisyed themnoff and the rar chieft looked at me ponderiny . He said- "you got 8/10 of them correcy- the forst to ever pass this test!!! congrats, you are noe a part of rat natuon" we begain to celebrate my newfound membership, but wll teh sudden some dirt began to crumble above us. Then a large foot stomped through!!!

To be continued.......

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