It was thez mens form the FBI!!!!! Thry started to telked at me, saying a pwetty gyro luke me has noplace in rar nation. Then I asked- "hows deid you fine my locatin"? they relplied-"we attacked a tracking drvixw to you durijgb our run ij in the city". the chief rat tellwed- "GET IN BATTLES FORMATION NOWS!!!!!" the rats began to scurryisvand climb on eachothater. They formed a 200 feet tall supa rat!!!!!!!! The FBI bgane yo tremble and i saw they piss their pants!!!!! They were horrified. The rats began yo swallow yp the FBI men and the chief rat said- "YOU AND REMY NEED TO RUN NOW" so we ran abd rab and ran, but er judy ran in a curcke!!!!! We were back at the battle scene!!!!!!!! Thank hods the rat were einning!!!!!!! One of the fbi men had ehite goo all over them too............ then all the sudden one of yhe fbi man grabbed me and remys!!!!!!!!! He put a gunzs to me head wnd said- "i wants to killz you, i hatr bestiality bitches"!!!!!! I saw bis finga move torwards thet rigger and he was avout yo pull it when
To be continued..........
Remy Smexy Story
RomanceHave you ever dreamt about THE Remy the rat? Because he is so hot and sexy? Well now yku can imaginebhis horse cock