Training Goes Wrong

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I don't remember when I got the idea for this one lol


                                     Vegeta's POV

I was training with Kakarot for the fifth time this week and its was only Wednesday. Why do I even put up with this idiot? Oh right,because he's the only one strong enough to fight me. Or maybe its the other way around? Whatever. I throw in a few punches and kicks which he quickly blocks and counters."Come on Kakarot I know you can do better than that!" I punched him in the gut as he got distracted by something in the sky. I turned to look and saw that the sky was turning dark which meant that someone had gathered the dragon balls.

"Vegeta do you know what's going on?"

"No I do not. Let's find out." We blasted into the sky at top speed,making our way to the source of this sudden darkness. Whatever this was is really pissing me of. There I was,about to kick Kakarot's ass when out of nowhere,this thing comes! I sigh and looked back to see if Kakarot was still there. Even though I despised him,I still need him to get stronger. Damn my weakness and inability to get stronger than this buffoon.

We flew for a few more minutes and landed on the Capsule Corp grounds. Bulma probably wants to make a wish or something."Let's go see what's happening in the back." I said to him and started to walk towards to back of the cooperation. We made it and saw Bulma,Trunks and Kakarot's youngest in front of the dragon and giggling."Come on boys. I have to say it because I'm the grown up! You'll make a mistake." Bulma was seriously arguing with children about how to make a wish? Can't she just use her power as an adult over them?

We walked over to them and I put my hand on her shoulder and spun her around."Bulma,what are you doing? And what wish are you about to make?" She sighed and glanced at the dragon."Could you hold on for another five minutes oh great and powerful Shenron?" "I give you four more minutes before I disappear." She smiled and turned to me."Well Goten and Trunks here said they wanted to see a picture of Goku when he was little. The pics I have of him aren't so clear so I'm asking Shenron over there for a framed photo!"

"Wait Bulma. So this is why you summoned him?! That's ridiculous! Well let me see the picture when it comes okay? Let's go back to training Vegeta!" He pulled me back with him and back into the sky."Let go clown. And what was that back there? Normally you'd be ecstatic to see something from your childhood but now it seems like you couldn't care less. Not that I care." He rolled his eyes and stopped midair. He turned and faced me with the most serious expression I had ever seen on his face. It made me shiver a bit.

"Well I just don't want to waste time that's all. The longer we stayed,the less training we would get. I wanna get stronger than I already am and I'm sure you do to so let's just go back to the training ground and fight some more!" I smirked at his enthusiasm and ruffled his hair."Finally thinking like a true saiyan,Kakarot. Let's get things clear though. I am not being friendly,just rewarding your acquisition to true knowledge. We'll see who beats each other on the battle field!" Just as I took my hand of his head a bright flash appeared around him.

I shielded my eyes for a bit and when I was sure the light was gone I opened my eyes. Kakarot was gone. No where to be seen!"Kakarot where the hell are you?!" I heard a tiny voice coming from above and looked up but saw nothing. I heard it again but this time a felt a tug in my hair. I shook it out and something fell out."Vegeta what happened to me?!" Oh. My. Kami. Kakarot was small. Not just small but tiny too! I picked him up in my palm and inspected him.

"Vegeta help me!" I poked his face with my finger which he tried to bite. How was he even so small? Why is he even so small? Wait......does this mean I can beat him in a fight?!"Kakarot let's fight. I'm gonna take you down!" He flew away from me with a shocked expression."Vegeta no! I think I know why I'm so small but we need to get back to Capsule Corp fast!" I pouted and held him by the hair."Hey let go that hurts! I can still fly y'know?!" Oh he's right. I let him go and we made our way towards CC again.

It was weird flying with a tiny Kakarot. He made the weirdest noises every few seconds. We made it to Capsule Corp but as soon as we landed,we saw the dragon balls fly into the sky and scatter. He ran as fast as his little legs would take him to the backyard. I only had to walk."BULMAAAAAAA! What did you and the boys do to me?!?" She was scratching the back of her head whilst the younger ones just found their feet really interesting and couldn't look up.

"I'm so sorry Goku! I made a mistake because I was arguing with the boys while making the wish and Shenron went away before I could stop him! But on the plus side,you look really adorable? Hehehe....." She trailed of and Kakarot just steamed. That was actually cute though haha. Vegeta did you just say that Kakarot was cute?! You need to stop spending time with that baka!


Hi guys! I'm not sure when I'll publish the next one but it won't be long! I hope you like the first chapter. Many more to come

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