Chapter 1

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Willow's POV

I awake with a start as I notice myself hurtling upwards. I look around and see nothing but darkness. All of a sudden, the box I'm in jolts to a stop and I fly up, hitting my head. I wince and rub my head. I slowly stand up and start banging one of the walls with my fists.

"Hello? Anyone out there?" I yell. Fear and anger bubbles up inside of me. "LET ME OUT!" I scream, irritated.

Light pours in from the top of the box as it opens. I scramble backwards quickly as a figure jumps in. They gasp.

"It's a girl."

I hear a bunch of boys voices.
"Is she hot?"
"No way you shank, she's mine!"
"I wonder what she's like in bed?"

A look of disgust covers my face until a guy yells "Shut up you bloody shanks! Nobody will touch the girl and if I catch you doing anything to her or with her you bloody shanks will be banished!"

I smile gratefully.
Someone throws a rope down and I stepped onto it as a couple of guys pulled me up. Am I really that heavy? I thought to myself as they pulled me up. I got out of the box and looked around.

A huge, open field stretched out in front of me, with random houses and a forest on it. There were huge stone walls that rose up from the ground, encasing us. All of a sudden, questions just started to pool into my mind. Where was I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything?

I turn around and a see a huge group of boys staring at me. I give them a questioning look and they all start to talk again.

"I wonder what she'll work as."
"Why is she the only girl?"
"We should throw her in the slammer!"
"I wonder why they sent her."

All of a sudden I blurt out, "Why am I here and why can't I remember anything?"
The guy that threw me the rope walks up to me. "None of us really know. Welcome to the Glade, Greenie. I'm Newt," he says, as he sticks out his hand
I hesitantly shake it, and warmth rushes up my arm. I then realized I didn't even know my name.

I walk over to the tree and sit down. By now almost all the boys were gone, but a couple of them still stuck around and watched me.

The boy who told them to shut up earlier said something to them and they walked away. I put my chin on the tops of my knees and look around. The boy named Newt came over and sat down.

"Everything is pretty overwhelming right now, but don't worry. It'll all be normal soon," he says. I look up into his brown eyes and smile.

"How come I can't remember my name or my family?"
Newt slowly runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair and sighs.

"I have no clue why we can't remember our families, but if you focus really hard I'm sure your name will come back to you."

I try to focus but nothing comes back to me

"Nothing at all," I mumble loud enough so Newt can hear

"Don't worry you'll remember soon enough. Anyways, we are hosting a Gathering. You have to come, it is your future on the line anyways!"

Newt and I stand up and then I noticed how tall he is. He towers over me.
"Woah,"I mutter

I follow Newt to the building called the Homestead and as soon as we enter I hear a bunch of guys most likely talking about me. I walk in the room and it suddenly turns quiet. I point to the chair in the middle with a questioning look and Newt slightly nods from where he sits. He is beside the guy who told everyone to shut up. The boy has dark skin and huge muscles. He stands up and clears his throat.

"Okay, I don't want to hear anyone yelling or fighting okay?"
I hear a chorus of "okay's" and the guy says,
"During this meeting we will have to decide what to do with the girl. So, Clint what do you think we should do with the girl?"

A short guy named Clint glances at me and fidgets in his chair.
"I think we could give her a chance. Maybe she could prove herself to be useful, but yet again why over all these years did they send a girl?" he asks.
I heard a chorus of mmhmm's and the guy sitting beside Newt asked the next person.

Many of the boys were against me but some didn't think it was a big deal to have me here. The leader asked the next guy and I tuned in to see what he wanted to say.

"I think she should either be banished or thrown in the Slammer. Why would they send a girl? The creators are probably just throwing another trick at us!" the blonde boy exclaims.
"GALLY! Shut up you shank! What do you think she can really do that can hurt us!?" Newt yelled.

I smiled slightly that Newt was sticking up for me.
"Alby? What do you think?" Newt asks the guy beside him.

"I think she should go into the Slammer for the night, then tomorrow I will give her a tour and we can give her a job."
The boys all start talking.

"Sounds fair."
"Why not!"
Except for Gally.

"NO! I say we keep her in the Slammer for three nights!" he yells loudly.

"We already made up a decision Gally, and you can't try to change my mind!" Alby yells back. They start arguing and I sigh.

"Hey Chuck, show her to the Slammer," Newt says to a young chubby boy. The boy stand up, his brown curls flopping.

"Hey! I'm Chuck," he smiles, his dimples showing. "Nice to meet you Chuck. I think you are here to take me to the 'Slammer', whatever that is," I sigh

"Yup, sure thing. Good thing it's only one night," he chuckles.
I smile as the boy leads me to the Slammer, which turns out to be a small jail.
"Here it is," he says, opening the door with a set of keys. He opens it all the way and I climb in.

"Thanks Chuck."
"No problem Greenie, enjoy your night."

I take a seat on the cold hard floor, and eventually drift off to sleep.

"Willow, we're ready for you."
I was standing in a white room. A girl about 12 turns around and stares through me. She has blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. Her face is scrunched like is trying not to cry. She looks familiar. I look harder, and I notice why- it's me.

I wake up sweating and breathing hard. Where was I? At least I know my name now- Willow!

I notice Chuck walking towards me. He opens the door and holds it open for me.

"Guess what Chuck? I remember my name!" I exclaim.
"What is it?", he asks.
"Willow," I grin.
"That's a nice name! Let's go and tell the others!" he cheers. I climb out of my cell. He starts running and I run after him

"Guess what guys!"!he yells at the top of his lungs. All the boys turn towards us.

"She has a name! It's Willow!" Chuck screams. I blush.
All the boys started cheering and lifting me up, chanting my name over and over again. A huge grin grows on my face and I cheer along with them, finally feeling like I belong.

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