I walked down the streets of London. Humming my song. A bunch of people looked at me weird but I paid no mind to it.
I walked until I found myself infront of a huge estate. The biggest I have ever seen in London might I add. I walked through the gates and knocked on the door.
It opens and a woman stood infront of me. I didn't looked at her just kept staring at the ground.
"Can I help you mis-Uhm sir?"
I chuckled
"Yes I'm Y/n, Y/n L/N"
I heard her gasp and then she bowed infront of me.
"Welcome home miss L/n"
Back at the reaper dispatch sociaty
They all shared a confused look. The red haired flamboyant reaper was suppose to collect the soul of a female named Y/N L/N.He was on his way but nor the body or soul was found. Everyone was confused even the retired legendary reaper himself couldn't understand.
Her name was on the soul retrieval list but disappeared not short after it appeared. Yes you could have backed out from commuting suicide but the death date and cause of death was right there.
It has been nearly 13 years since it happend and the Reaper's were still on the lookout for you. They had even gone so far as to ask the legendary x-reaper to help them out.
Have they given up? No. Were they going to stop looking for her? No. So they kept searching even going af far as asking around town for you and saying you ran away.
But nothing came up. So they kept searching.
Back to your pov
I stepped inside as another maid came and removed my cloak."Mistress your a mess, let's gets you fixed up shall we?"
I kept staring at the ground not wanting to scare them with my eyes being completely missing.
I nodded as the maid escorted me to what I assume was my room. How did I know this was my estate? I didn't I just followed the path until I ended up here.
How did they know me? I had no idea. Did I have alot of questions? A shit ton of them. The maid quickly got me a bath ready and undressed me. She washed my body and hair.
I was then dried off and dressed properly again. Into a very revealing outfit.
(Photo above)
I didn't mind it non the less, it was beautiful.
"Misstres mind me for speaking out of place but do you know what or who you are?"
I looked at her and shook my head. She looked at me and smirked slightly.
"Misstres your the ****** ** ***** and half reaper it seems, we have never encountered a species like you before mistress. Your the first of your kind."
I nodded taking in all the new information.
"And mistress you should go the reaper dispatch sociaty, they will be training you to be a proper reaper"
I nodded again
"Alright since you know so much you can take me there but before we go..."
I took of the dress.
"I'm not letting them know I'm female, I shall change my name to (b/n(choose any male name you desire). And you shall play along"
He bowed and quickly got out a male suit.
"Of course Your Highness"
She quickly wrapped bandages around my chest making them seem flat before dresseding me into a tail coat and a pair of trousers, a white cloured button up shirt and a waist coat.
Aswell as a pair of dress shoes and a tie. She took small strands of hair and braided some of it before brushing the rest our and letting it go nearly on the floor.
She looked at me and quickly put a pair of weird glasses on my face.
"Mistr- Master I suggest to not take the glasses of they give the illusion that you have actuall eyes and not just dead black sockets."
I chuckled.
"Are we finished now? Can we go?"
She nodded and led me to a carriage. After driving for what felt like hours which was only ten minutes we arrived at a place called The Undertaker.
"Alright mist- Master, I can't take you directly to the Reaper dispatch but the Undertaker can. His also a Reaper, a legendary Reaper at that."
I nodded as we made out way inside.
"Heheheh..Hello sir and madam what can I help ye with today hehehe"
I stared at my maid as she spoke.
"Well mister Undertaker, this man here is also a Reaper and would like to go the reaper dispatch. He was there but woke up startled then ran away, not knowing his way back"
I smirked under my breath at the way my maid told a very good lie.
"Hehehe alright Deary, I'll take ya to Will but first, you must pay the price hehehe"
I looked at my maid and she sighed
"Alright then what's the price"
"Heheheheh laughter heheh"
Be both sighed then my maid began
"What do sea monsters eat?"
I looked at my maid as The Undertaker looked ready to laugh himself to death.
"Fish and Ships"
He bursted out laughing. Rolling on the floor as the whole building shook. I continued to stare at him.
After about twenty minutes he finally got up and wiped his eyes.
"Heheheh alrighty heheh this way deary"
I looked at my maid as if telling her to 'not go anywhere until I get back'
She nodded her head and went back to the carriage I looked at Undertaker as he showed me the way and of we went.

(Black Butler x reader) Deceiving Revenge
HorrorShe killed herself resolving in one thing She's a reaper Not just any reaper she's a ...... She enters the organisation as a man Will they find out what her secrete and if so what will they do. Will they find out what she really is..... Will they f...