They all fall down

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I looked up to where the sound was located. It came from upstairs. Hanna looked at the triplets and gave them a little nod.

"Please excuse me Mistress, I will see what the ruckus is about"

She left and the triplets stayed behind looking at me.

"Your rather beautiful..."

"And you have a nice ass..."

"I like your bo-"

Embarrassed I yelled out for them to shut up. They looked at each other and stared whispering again.

They were handsome to say the least. Just as I was about to say something a scream was heard. Not just any scream. Hannas scream.

I looked at the Triplets as they looked back at me.

"Don't worry mistress..."

"We will protect...."

"You at any cost ..."

The door to the basement slammed open and my three maids stood there in shock.

"Are you alright?"
"Sorry we're late.."

The two pair of triplets stared at each other. The purple haired triplets stared whispering to each other showing no threat what so ever to my three triplet maids.

The three of them came over to me and quickly undid the restrains.


"Your awfully weak..."

"Lets us help..."

My one maid picked me up and the other two walked behind her. The three male triplets following suit.

"Madem did they..."

"See your eyes..."

"Or fingers..?"

I shook my head no, to tired to speak. My vision still slightly blurry from the hit against the head.

We walked into what looked like a ball room. And there stood the blood Earl with a knife toward the bluenetts throat.

The two butler's watching in amusement as the seven of us sneaked out. Making sure not to be seen by the other four.

Running out the building we made it back to my manor. The three male triplets opened the door for my maids and we all went inside.

"Set me on the couch and fix me a bath"

The three maids went off and the three male triplets stood infront of me.

"Why are you three still here?"

They looked at each other whispering again.

"We were wondering..."

"If we could possibly"

"Work for you Mistress.."

I stared at them for a second to tried to argue. My body was weak and my vision still blurry.

"Mistress your bath is ready"

Spoke all three of my maids in unison.

The middle one picked me up and took my to the bathroom where one undressed me and the other one got me knew clothes.

I was set in the bathtub and washed. Dried off and put into a night gown.
The middle maid picked me up and placed me in bed. Covering me up.

All six triplets now in my room. The bandages never left my eyes as I stared at the ceiling.

"You three will stay with the Young Mistress tonight, to make sure no one comes in to this room, except us"

My three maids ordered the three males. They nodded and stood by my bed as i fell asleep.

After a few hours I woke up again. My thoughts being to loud. I stared at the ceiling before sitting up straight.


"Is something...."

"Bothering you?"

I heard the three triplets ask. Sighing I shook my head.

"No I just can't sleep, I'm to pissed off"

They nodded and looked at each other before making their way to the bed. Cuterbury got in on my left side, Timber on my right side and Thompson got inbetween my legs and rested his head on my lower stomach.

"Is that"



I blushed slightly and nodded closing my eyes before falling asleeo again.

I woke up to the sun shining bright into my eyes.

"Good morning mistress"

"Your tea is ready"

"And breakfast will be served once your downstairs"

I nodded but kept still looking at the three male demons cuddling up to me.

"Looks like someone had an eventful night"

I blushed at the statement

"This not what it looks like, I couldn't sleep and they got into bed with me!!"

For some reason I felt rather pissed off this morning. Like I felt really mad. Really really mad.

"Just get out I'll be down for breakfast in a few minutes"

I could see all three maids visible gulp and leave as fast as possible. I knew the three demon males were awake as well.

"You three please get up and leave aswell I need to get dressed, I have business to do"

They quickly got up and left the room. I guess my aura must have scared them off.

I got dressed into a revealing short dress, left my hair just as it is and put on some heals, fuck corsets.

I took a few deep breaths and went downstairs. And calm as possible I sat down and ate my breakfast.

"M..mistress a..are you alright?"

That was it!

"Do I look alright to you?!? No I'm pissed off. Beyond pissed of. Why did he kill them?!? I don't understand! They were barely born and he killed them!!!!!"

I stabbed the fork of my cutlery into the marble table and kicked my chair away.

"Do you idiots realise how much it fucking hurts to see little kids running around and play and laughter, DO YOU?!??"

I couldn't control it, I was beyond mad. They all quickly shook their heads. The feeling of bloodlust returned. I wanted to see Jack's blood splatter the wall.

I smirked as I made my way to my room

Ring around the rosie

I slammed open the door

Pockets full of posies

I went inside grabbing my gun I hid in my closet

Ashes Ashes

Loading it I smirked

They. All. Fall. Down.

(Black Butler x reader)  Deceiving RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now