I sat in the mans house that I stalked throughout the day. He was having a party tonight at his house and a couple of my other victims was going to be there.
That's atleast thirty men dead and only hundred and sixty to go. I watched as the men filled up the building and started drinking.
Litting up cigars. Disgusting. I quickly let a sleeping gas bom into the room and one by one they fell down at my feet, literally.
I had to be quick about it before those others reapers get their asses here and catch me. I quickly pulled out a gun and shot each and every one of them.
Smirking, I felt great. I felt powerful, invincible, like I could take over the world if you will, this was but a small taste of revenge and it tasted amazing.
I wanted more. I quickly made my escape and ran back to my manor. Entering my manor, my maid smirked at me.
"I see you got the taste for blood mistress"
I simply smirked knowing she was right. I smirked and off to bed I went. My maid quickly dressed me into a night gown before I got under the covers of my bed.
I hummed my little song again until my eyes closed and I was pulled into a pit of black.
Lord Phantimhives pov
"Good morning My Lord, it is time for you to wake up."
I groand as I sat up in bed. Sebastian hands me my tea as he started dressing me in my blue attire.
I finished my tea and placed it on the stand beside my bed. Making my way down to the dining are I sat down at the table and took the news paper.
I was shocked at the title
Thirty men found dead in one apartment
I quickly unfold the newspaper and read through it.
Last night a total of thirty men was found dead in one apartment. They all had the same job working as security. They were all shot straight in the head
I stared at it. Thirty men in one night?!? Who could have possibly pulled of a stunt like that. There had to be more to it.
"Young master you have received a letter from Her Majesty"
Sebastian gave me the letter and I opened it a little impatient.
My dear boy
How are you my dear boy? Have you been good. I'm certain you have red the newspaper and the loss of thirty lives. It had struck great panic in the cevilians. I would like you to do research and find the killer at once.
They have all been shot with a single bullet to the head. They also found sleeping gas in the house. They all worked for one boss named Jack. The man who's wife committed suicide but was never found.
I trust you will bring justice to the family's who lost their loved ones.
And also the estate on the high mountain has finally been cleaned and the doors had opened after several years of being closed please do investigate that aswell
Yours truly
VictoriaI had no words. That estate on the mountain had been closed for centuries. The owner of the manor could have something to do with this.
"Sebastian do you know who lives in the estate at the mountain?"
Sebastian looked at me.
"No My Lord, that estate has not been used in centuries. Perhaps we could have a ball and invite them?"
I thought for a while and it was a good idea.
"Yes, we shall have a ball, send inventions to everyone including the owner of that estate"
Sebastian bowed
"Yes my Lord"
And left. I went off to my study and sat there thinking who could have done this.
Your pov
I woke up the next morning feeling somewhat great. I stood up and quickly dressed myself before going down to the dining area."Ooh Good Morning mistress. Your up early, since you are up I'll get breakfast started"
I nodded and sat down at the head of the dining table. Not long after my breakfast was brought to me with some tea.
I was about to take a bite when there was a knock on the door. That's weird no one's knows about the estate so who could this be.
My maid looked at me and I looked back at her as she made her way to the door opening it.
I heard a small bit of talking then the door shut again. My maid came to me with a letter.
"It seems to be a letter from the Earl Phatimhive"
I took the letter and opened it
To the Owner of this estate
I humbly apologize for not calling you by name but we have never met. Therefore I Ceil Earl Phatimhive would like you to address my ball tonight at 8pm
Ceil Earl PhatimhiveI looked at my maid.
"What do you think, should we go?"
She nodded
"Yes madam it would create less suspicion"
I nodded and sighed
"Alright get me a dress ready we have a ball to attend"

(Black Butler x reader) Deceiving Revenge
HorrorShe killed herself resolving in one thing She's a reaper Not just any reaper she's a ...... She enters the organisation as a man Will they find out what her secrete and if so what will they do. Will they find out what she really is..... Will they f...