💛Not a game anymore || Claude x Male Reader 💛

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This was a request by @jblue0164
I hope this is to your liking:) Sorry this is like a billion years late-
Anyway enjoy! Also there may or may not be a second part, depends how long the story is.
Also here is a little key: B/M = Birth Moon B/D = Birth Day

"I've always wondered, what would someone from a video game world do if they found out the truth...?" Y/N thought out loud.

"Oh that's nonsense, we all know they don't exist." His older sister laughed, giving him a flick on the cheek.

"Hey! Well, whatever's you say." He sighed, staring at his phone. He was looking through some screenshots he took from his play through of verdant wind. They were just random scenes he found cool or interesting. Critical hits from battles, story scenes, stuff like that.

Nothing out of the ordinary, just some guy reminiscing over the memories of his favorite video game. Second to last picture. It made him feel a little, strange...

Byleth was staring towards the screen, almost like he was looking through it and right at Y/N.

Final picture. It was the same, but with (pre-time skip) Claude....

Y/N thought nothing of it, however. After all it's normal for game devs to scare or make their players uncomfortable in weird ways... right?

"Hey, S/N (sisters name), I'm gonna go to my room, there's something I wanna look at." He announced, before racing up the carpeted stairs.

"Alright, I'll call you when dinner is ready!" She shouted. Y/N silently shut his door, then set his phone down on his milky white desk. He opened his laptop and put in the passcode.

In his room, he stared at the photos. What made about them made him feel so weird?

~time skip~

Y/N was heading to bed now, photos completely out of mind. After all they meant nothing.

Slowly, he began to drift off, just like anyone else would. He would just wake up the next day, live the same life, those strange photos irrelevant.

~time skip AGAIN~

Y/N, sound asleep, just like any other. Or at least, for an hour or so. When the clock struck midnight (I just chose a random time), he stopped dreaming, and was instead now in a black void.

He thought nothing of it, after all many people have no dreams. It was when a bright green light burst out of nowhere that he let out a shriek and fell backwards. There was no sound then, only the sounds of his heavy breathing heard.

Calming himself, he stared at the light. It seemed, welcoming, and almost like it was beckoning for him. But it also seemed stern, and dangerous. Either way, he reached out for it.

'Who knows, maybe I'm finally dead.' He thought as he reached out. As soon as his hand touched the light it glowed brighter, and he felt as though the air had been sucked out of him.

Before he could react, the light sucked him in, then vanished.

He felt as though he was being dragged through time and space, so many things racing past him at once.

Finally, he came to a halt. To his surprise, it was just another black void. At least, that was when something came into view, surrounded by that glowing green light.

He nearly screamed out of fear and shock when he saw what it was, covering his mouth as to hide any sound. It was Sothis's throne, and sleeping upon it was none other than Sothis herself!

Before he could do anything, Sothis was already waking up. She stretched and yawned, then leaned forward to take a look at Y/N.

"Oh my. Whatever could've brought you here?" She asked. Normally, he would answer a question when it was asked, but he couldn't bring himself to answer.

Sothis sighed and leaned back in her throne. With another yawn, she thought aloud, "I wonder how you got in here..."

"It is most rude to interrupt a moment of repose. Very rude indeed. Now come to me, I wish to have a look at you." She said, beckoning him over. Y/N decided to play along, there was nothing else he could do. He would sound crazy if he tried to explain anything to her.

In that moment, when he stepped forward, he felt as though he had to make a choice. But he was just him right? He had no other strange form. Or at least, that's what he thought until an image of what appeared to be a female version of himself appeared in his mind.

He completely denied the thought. He was him, and he would not change himself.

"Hmmm... I have not seen the likes of you before. Who are you, anyway?" She asked.

Again, Y/N felt like he had to make a choice. He chose to give Sothis an answer that she would like.

"I'm a mortal." He stated.

"I see. Then you must have a name of sorts. Go on." She said.

"My name is Y/N." He explained.

"Huh. I shall never grow accustomed to the sound of human names." She chuckled. "You must posses a day of birth as well. Beneath which moon and on what day were you born to this world?"

"B/M, on the B/D." He replied. (I'm sorry but it's so funny to read that-)

"Well, wonders never cease! It seems we share our day of birth. How strange." She explained.

Y/N was still pretty confused, after all he was transported to this other world. But the least he could do was continue to go along.

"Hmmm. It all feels so... familiar. I think it may be time for yet another nap... It is almost... time to... begin..." she yawned, before falling asleep yet again.

Everything proceeded to fade out of sight. Y/N let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps now he was waking up and he would wake up in his own bed.

Only, that's not what happened.

"Hey. Time to wake up." A voice said. It was Jeralts!

~Time skip~

Y/N kept a mental note: "I have no clue what's happening, but it's best if I just go along with it." He was thinking about how he got here, and how he could get himself out.

His train of thought was stalled when he heard Jeralt talking with Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude.

"I seem to have the ability to make choices... Fuck it, I'll go golden deers I guess...." He thought to himself.

~Time Skip~

(Claude Focus)

As they journeyed to the monastery, Claude observed the young mercenary. He found him rather odd.

"He is a mercenary, so he shouldn't be terrified of battle. Yet he's breathing like crazy and seems to be shaking... I need to find out more about him..." He thought to himself.

He also noticed that every time the presumed mercenary would speak, he would stop for a moment, as though he needed to think on what he was going to say.

While most would just frame the guy to just be weird, he piqued Claude's interest. He needed to find out more about this stranger...
Okay, I'm gonna be putting this into 2, heck maybe three parts. I hope this was good and that you'll be reading the next part.
Hope all who are reading this have a lovely day/night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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