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Jueun taps her fingers impatiently on the table's polished surface. Her eyes flicker outside then to her phone and then outside again. She swipes back and forth across the home screen, opening up a couple apps only to exit out in a split second. She hears the glass doors chime for the tenth time and she darts to look, but still, it isn't him. She lets out a heavy sigh, runs a hand through her hair, and then rests her hand on her palm, elbow to the table.

Of course, he wouldn't come. What did she expect? He must think she's crazy or bipolar, or both. It's not polite to leave a girl waiting like this though. But then again, he really hasn't got the best attitude.

Jueun pushes her chair back and stands up. She might as well get a very delicious drink to compensate her time lost and to comfort her damaged image. Here she was, looking like an absolute idiot sitting alone at a coffee table with not one drink because she decided to wait for him before ordering.

She falls in line and digs in her bag for her wallet. Maybe a chocolate frappe would do well to soothe her grumpiness away. The girl in front of her moves aside and she steps forward. The coffee shop was getting busier and busier, the chimes getting more frequent as seconds passed by; she had to raise her voice a little for the cashier to hear.

"Anything else with that frappe?"

"No, just that. Thanks."

Jueun zips open her wallet and picks out two bills and begins pouring out her collection of coins. Three annoying pieces of silver fall off and she lets a curse word slip past her lips. She crouches down to pick them up, but a hand, that's obviously not her's, comes out of nowhere and beats her to it.

"Oh thanks," she utters with a small bow as the stranger hands over the pesky coins. The cashier takes her money and tells her to wait on the side.

Shoving the receipt in between her bills, she makes sure to keep her eyes down. She's definitely not looking at the person who saw her embarrassingly drop her coins like a child.

"Sorry I'm late," a voice so familiar says.

Jueun's entire body pauses, then she pulls her head up. Fist over her mouth, she softly gasps. "You—"

"Umm.. one Iced Green Grape please," Wonwoo says to the cashier.

Jueun looks him up and down, as if she's uncertain of his presence right there and then. "Did you know how long I waited??" She eventually exclaims.

Wonwoo is clearly trying to avoid her eyes. Like the sun, he can't manage to hold a stare. "Sorry. I had to go somewhere after class."

He sounds and looks like a guilty puppy. Jueun watches as he plunges his hands into his blazer pockets, looking forward instead of at her.

A minute later and Wonwoo is sent to the side to wait for his own drink. Jueun continues eyeing him as he walks to stand on her other side. Wonwoo is visibly uncomfortable but she doesn't look away.

Jueun lightly scoffs and looks over the counter. What's taking her drink so long. Now that Wonwoo's here, she isn't exactly sure at what level her frustrations are, but for sure, they aren't gone just yet.

"Where'd you go?" She asks, biting her tongue because she'd like to say only this rather than spill an entire unreasonable and childish tantrum.

Wonwoo is about to answer but her eyes grow wide at a sudden thought and she shoots her stare back at him. "Don't tell me Mr. Han or some other professor went to bully you again?? For like an hour?!"

Wonwoo finally ables himself to gaze at her, surprised at the assumption. "I—no. No.. why would you think that? Why do you say it like it happens often."

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