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"Jueun!" Hansol calls out to the girl walking a couple of feet away from him.

She turns around, stopping so the boy can catch up to her. Students all around them are hurrying about, fixing up their lockers and school projects, clearly excited and in a rush to go back to their homes or dorms.

"You okay?" Hansol asks as they head their way towards the front of the school. "You seem like you've got a lot on your mind."

"Is it that obvious?" Jueun replies.

"Kind of. So what are you thinking about?"

Jueun lets out a sigh, as she begins to speak, "It was so weird. I tried talking to that Jeon guy and he completely blocked me out. Like I don't know if I should feel annoyed, or embarrassed, or something. But I really thought he'd be grateful that someone was trying to talk to him.  Apparently not. And that just makes me want to get to know him more, you get what I mean?"

By the time Jueun finishes talking, they have stepped out of the main doors of the building and are greeted by the fresh late afternoon air of the college campus.

"Be careful, Ju. For all that we know he could be a mafia boss, or a drug dealer, or even a pervert."

"Or," Jueun emphasizes and drawls, "He could just be a shy boy who has trouble making friends. Why are u so pessimistic about him?" She shoots Hansol a frown.

He shrugs. "I don't know. You used to judge a lot of people all the time so maybe I got it from you."

Jueun laughs. "I doubt that."

"Whatever you say."

Jueuen turns away to look around. Students are scattered everywhere: on the grass reading books, on benches munching on some snacks, or on the pavements walking with their friends (just like Ju and Sol).

"Oh Ju, I forgot to tell you that—"

Jueun slows down in her tracks as she spots that Jeon boy lying down on the metal bleachers across the empty football field with his arm resting above his eyes. Although she can barely see his face, she knows it's him, from his hair to his build. She looks around the bleachers some more, only to notice that he is the only one occupying it.

"What's up?" Hansol asks a little bit worryingly.

"Oh it's nothing," Jueun turns to look at him, "But, why don't you go ahead first. I forgot I still needed to do something. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Hansol's about to say something in protest but Jueun already begins walking away and towards the field.


Jueun is not one to be stealthy. Lucky for her, she doesn't need to be as Jeon Wonwoo currently can't see her. She can strut up those steps without having to worry about being casual. He seems to have dozed off, and, seeing this, Jueun's brows furrow, wondering how he has managed to nap on the hard metal surface. Her frown digs deeper when she thinks about how she is going to possibly talk to him now.

Slowly, she climbs up the bleachers, making sure not a single creak breaks out. As she is about to step onto the level he is on, Wonwoo's deep voice cuts through the air. Jueun jumps a little (just a tiny bit, she swears) in surprise.

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