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Jueun slouches down on the library's carpeted floor, a book nesting in her hold. She isn't reading, however. As much as she tries to, not one sentence is embedding itself into her brain today.

Hansol is sitting across from her, leaning against the bookshelf like he always does. Jueun was quite sure he was absolutely immersed in his novel, so when he calls her attention, she jerks in surprise.

"Are you okay?"

"Wha-yeah of course. Why do you ask?"

"You seem a bit out of it. Does the book you're reading not interest you?" He peers over at the title in her hands and blinks in confusion. "You're reading a book about menopause?"

"I am?" Jueun closes the book shut and checks the front. Indeed, she is reading a book about menopause. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Ju, are you sure you're alright?" Hansol asks again.

Jueun gives him a look that says, 'you already know the answer'. Hansol sighs, puts his book aside, then scoots over right beside her.

"What's wrong?" He says in the most comforting voice Jueun has ever heard.

"Sol.." She softly pouts and furrows her brows as she shows an expression that says how utterly grateful she is to have a best friend like him. Hansol chuckles and says, "Go on. Tell me."

Jueun starts with, "Was I wrong?"

"About what?"

"For wanting to help him."

"What do you mean?"

Jueun begins to spill every detail of what happened that day in Brown Beans. It's been almost a full week and yet she still can't make herself forget about it. It just isn't right for her to push it away like it was nothing.

"Was I wrong to want to help him?"

Hansol places a hand on his chin as he processes all the information she just told him. "Hmm.. it's not that, but rather I think you're wrong on how you wanted to do it."

Jueun cocks her head lightly at his reply and her brows stitch together even further. Her insides turn a little, like a boat rocking on sea.

"Admit it, Ju. You're only interested in him because of his dyslexia," Hansol bluntly says.

Even though Jueun knows she should be surprised or, at the least bit, offended, she doesn't. Perhaps, all along, she knew that that is the truth, and she's pushing it away because it is ugly.

Hansol can't help but sigh as he watches the face of his best friend grow even more distressed. Seeing her troubled like this makes him want to hunt down that Jeon Wonwoo and seriously tell him off (only because he doesn't beat people up). From the looks of it, Jueun's not agreeing with him out loud or even giving a reply anytime soon. She's so quiet and it is these times that Hansol hates the most.

Hansol wraps his arms around her and gently pats her back. She moves to lean on his shoulder, eyes staring off into space. "Don't think about it anymore," He tells her, "He's really nothing but trouble, Ju."


It's especially windy today. It's only the last few days of August and yet why is the weather so chilly? Jueun shudders a little as she strolls down the sidewalk. She's craving for something sweet that will provide her comfort, like a warm hug from Hansol. She wishes that hug lasted longer, maybe even forever. Hansol seriously gives the best ones. But that's probably because he's a guy. Most girls are shaped like sticks, and so when they hug, it doesn't feel as satisfying. Boys are in the form of squares and boxes. An embrace is like a very thick sweater and a roof over your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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