Chapter 3:Back to Britannia

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The sounds of the trees rustling and birds tweeting made for a tranquil morning. Bismarck felt comfortable and at ease when he opened the terrace, it was one of his favorite activities. Even so, if he lets his guard down for even a second, he risks incurring the consequences. The scent of the morning breeze assured Bismarck that nothing would go wrong on this particular day. 

A knock indicating that his meal was here, Bismarck of course was no ordinary knight. He served the emperor for such a long time that he and the Emperor shared the same secret.  

Both had supernatural abilities, one that fits their personality and mindset. When he found out he was skeptical at first thinking that the Emperor had lost his mind, the emperor noticed his distress and demonstrated. Only then was he convinced of the fact that his majesty has supernatural powers, but they also grow suspicious. 'What if my loyalty and trust were fake?', 'What if he used his power on me as well?'. 

His thoughts grew wild, day by day he was questioning his existence, one time he asked "Your majesty, is there any chance... that you used your geass against me?". It was a dangerous gamble, one where his life was staked. There was a chance that he would forget all about this, so he resolved that if I ever forget, try to remember. 

The Emperor laughed as if it was too ridiculous to watch. "So this is what you've been thinking! Hahahahaha!!!!"

Bismarck scowled, "My lord, I ask that you take this seriously."

The emperor changed expressions as if what happened before didn't exist. 

"You want the truth? You shall have it. Bismarck never once has I ever used it on you."

'I let out a sigh of relief, the moment he spoke I was afraid. Perhaps I didn't want everything I know to be wrong, that is why I have been hesitant. But now the truth was before my eyes.' Bismarck thought as the root of the problem was gone. Now he can be at ease. But then slipped a look at the emperor trying to see if it was a lie or not. 

But the Emperor wore a poker face making him hard to read, and so Bismarck decided to put this matter aside for now and walked out of the room. A few seconds before he opens the door the emperor spoke a single word with authority and power 


Bismarck paused and looked at the emperor, later on, the emperor told him that he could have a geass of his own, a compensation for his hard work and so he accepted. Which led to this day, his geass became his trump card. Having the ability to predict the opponent's movements made it easy for him. He challenged the emperor's wife Lady Marianne for a duel, but to his surprise, he was still defeated. There he learned that he needs to polish his skills rather than relying on the geass, thus he sealed it away only to be used for emergencies.

Bismarck finished his meal then went out. As he walked through the hallways he was greeted by the passerby, he heard an interesting rumor from his colleagues. The emperor and the first prince Schnitzel were working on making an exceptional group of children, these so-called soldiers were still children but they could easily defeat armed soldiers. But he also heard that the training was too extreme that some of the children died, while others committed suicide. The rumors weren't pleasant for the ears but even so, the deaths of the children became the fuel of the group's resolve and growth. 

Bismarck arrived at the location where the children were. The men in white were called the Instructors, they are the teacher and the caretakers each of them given an important role. And the existence of the facility was top secret, so why does Bismarck, a knight, know of its location? It's quite simple. He is there according to the emperor's order, to observe the growth and collect an item. The item was the head of the group, a young Japanese boy who survived the hell that his father created. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. 

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