Chapter 6: Smile

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That was close, and the audience seemed to be dispersing as well. I turned around to see a young boy with long, loose hair. What an odd individual; he wasn't here for me, but Lady Marianne, so perhaps he's a stalker?

I returned to my room. And then I took a bath.

The preparations are finished, but I should probably think about some countermeasures as well... There was a knock. The knocks were so loud that they echoed throughout the halls. I opened the door.

–Well if it isn't the little devil cowering behind his mother's shadow.

"Hey, X..." says the voice. He withdrew his gaze from my downward gaze.




Chapter 6: Smile


To be honest, I didn't expect another variable to appear after the arduous battle with Lady Marianne.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning, Lelouch?" I asked.

"X...," he said with a glint in his eyes as if saying my name made him uncomfortable, and he grimaced as he said it. "Do you want to come with me to the Aries Villa?"

'Aries Villa,' you say.

I remained deafeningly silent. 'It sounded bizarre, yet it felt familiar.' The more pressing question, however, is why he invited me. Is there a chance this is a set-up? Knowing how he's that demon's child, it's possible.

Nunnally, on the other hand, was also one of her offspring...

Lelouch gave me a worried look as if I was taking too long to react. "It's the same area where Nunnally was discovered the other day!"

"Permit me to ask, why do you want me to join you there?" I inquired, my suspicions about his conduct still intact.

I couldn't think of a reason why he chose to invite me after only meeting him two days before. The emperor and empress Marriane had a son named Lelouch. Is it possible he figured out who I am? Only from my appearance? That's impressive, but it's not conceivable unless someone in this palace knows who I am.

"I understand your skepticism of me, but come with me first; once we get there, you'll understand." He spoke quickly, his face solemn.

I kept an eye on him; he was dressed casually. Under a white blouse and a violet ribbon, he donned a light gray coat. He had a box in his hands. As he held on, he appeared to be losing patience.

Despite the risk of falling into a trap, I followed. I couldn't hurt Lelouch in any way. I'd be a walking corpse if I did it. In my debilitated position, Lady Marriane would easily defeat me. Fighting a group of soldiers would be more taxing on my physique.

I sighed inwardly. Who'd have known that the "masterpiece" that never fails would be in such a sorry state? Is this a masterpiece? Is this a work of art? Was I even referred to like that? ... A familiar electric ache continued to pound behind his eyes.

It was strange. He was well aware that he possessed a photographic memory, but why? The previous ten years of his life seemed hazy– as if someone had meddled with them.

Lelouch had come to an abrupt halt. He was panting a lot. It seems like he wasn't very gifted at physical activities; even a light workout would exhaust him more than a regular person.

He dropped in the grass, still catching his breath, saying, "Haa... at least.. I.. made it in time."

"Why are we even here, Lelouch?" the brunette wondered, still perplexed.

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