Look at me now!

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***Sunday Morning***

“Cell phone?”







“Mom I have everything we have to get going your plane is all the way across the airport. And mine leaves in 20 minutes and still need coffee so can I have $10?”I told my mother we were about to go our separate ways and she is acting like any normal mom.

“Oh, that’s right since you are going to spend your first time away from us we decided to get you a credit card but we hope you do get a job too.” said Ted

“Thank you guys. I love you. I am going to miss you. Bye.” I said while trying to choke back the tears.

“Bye honey we will email you when we can. Love you.” I watched my parents walk away and then headed for my terminal I saw a Starbucks and bought a mocha latte with extra foam. By the time I got to my terminal they called for people to board the plane. I found a window seat and sat down. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my head phones and turned on my music and listened to it the whole way to the L.A. Airport.

***Los Angeles, California***

“We have landed. Thank you for flying Southwest.” said the pilot. I grabbed my things and headed to baggage claim. I decide to text Connor and tell him I landed.

{•••To: ConnorMyBigBro😃

Hey just landed getting bags, where are you?

•••To: Kit-Cat😎

From: ConnorMyBigBro😃

I’m at baggage claim5}

I walked over to my bags and found them with no problem. I turned around and ran into someone.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t loo-“I started but someone cut me off.

“Catalina it’s me.” I look up to my big brother looking down offering me a hand. I grab his hand and jump up. Next thing I know is that he pulls me into a huge bear hug.

“Connor, I know you missed me but you’re going to miss me more if you don’t let me breathe.” I squeaked.

“Oh sorry.” He said and he grabbed my bags and started to walk me to the car. He puts my stuff in the car and gets in the driver’s seat. We started heading to his house.

“So my friends decided that since you don’t really know any of them they wanna take you out for dinner tonight if you are up for it.” Said Connor. I know more about the guys then he thinks I follow them on everything. I watch their videos just as much as I watch Connor’s. I know that they don’t just do the videos for the money they do it to help people.

“Yeah sure that’s a great idea.” We sat for another 20 minutes in silence before his phone went off.

“Can you get that for me?”

“Sure” I picked up his phone, “Hello.”

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